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Cellnex currently faces the challenge of managing change and its establishment as an independent organisation, after a 2015 of far-reaching strategic, organisational and structural changes.

From the standpoint of human resources management, 2015 has been marked by significant changes in the size of the workforce, with the acquisition of Galata (now Cellnex Italia); the takeover of functions previously managed by the Abertis Group; the identification of new players and stakeholders involved in the Company; and the launch of new products and services.

In this context, Cellnex needs human resource management to support the new business model and in turn provide the momentum to achieve the organisation’s strategic objectives. This goal can be achieved only by working towards excellence, relying on talent, encouraging human development in a collaborative and innovative working environment, and ensuring the well-being of staff.

GRI: G4-DMA, G4-26, G4-27, G4-EC3, G4-LA5

The Cellnex Team

The Cellnex team consists of 1,245 people, 93% of whom are in Spain and 7% in Italy. The workforce is characterised by a majority of men, which echoes the situation in the industry, where there is a strong male presence.

Cellnex strives to achieve the goal of diversity in its workforce. The Company is in the process of updating the current Equal Opportunities Plan, with the aim of gradually increasing the proportion of women in the Company, in all positions and responsibilities, ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for women and men and preventing sexual harassment and gender discrimination, whether indirect or direct.

Commitment to leadership and talent development

The management of the team and development of its talent is one of the Cellnex strategic pillars. To ensure that this is in line with the organisation’s business model, in 2015 a new leadership model was developed in response to the organisation’s strategy and the broader state of the industry.

The model has been implemented by means of two main tools, leadership training plans and the new management by objectives (MBO) process.

GRI: G4-DMA, G4-26, G4-27, G4-EC3, G4-EC6, G4-LA12

a) Training

In line with the talent management model, the Cellnex Training Plan for 2015 was developed around leadership skills. Accordingly, technical and cross-cutting training courses were given, based on leadership, project management, languages and occupational health and safety. Training is provided both face-to-face and online.

In 2015, Cellnex workforce received more than 35,000 hours of training, 349 hours of which were based on training related to preventing corruption and 452 on aspects of corporate social responsibility and human rights. Training was provided to a total of 400 people in the Company, with a very positive average level of satisfaction with the training provided, with results ratings averaging at 9 out of 10.

GRI: G4-DMA, G4-26, G4-27, G4-EC3, G4-LA10

b) Management by objectives

The Cellnex management by objectives (MBO) system is based on adding value, with all units and departments implementing the board the Company’s corporate strategy through skill -appraisal models and variable remuneration.

The new model seeks to establish objectives linked to all positions in the Company, to encourage them to achieve the Cellnex strategic objectives. These objectives are aligned with the variable remuneration based on the responsibilities and departments of the Company.

In 2015, 100% of the Group’s employees were subject to management by objectives.

GRI: G4-DMA, G4-26, G4-27, G4-EC3, G4-LA11

Commitment to well-being and health at work

In order to ensure a healthy working environment, the Company provides training in occupational health and safety for the whole workforce to make sure all health and safety measures are understood and followed. In 2015, some 8,626 hours of training were imparted in occupational health and safety.

Cellnex also looks after well-being on its premises, striving to implement best practice health and safety measures and ensuring compliance with the relevant rules in all its premises.

Cellnex Spain has a Multi-Plant Health and Safety Committee which handles the prevention of issues that might affect the Company as a whole. It also has two Health and Safety Committees, for the Barcelona and Madrid sites, which handle issues specific to the corporate buildings.

In 2015, there were four meetings of the Health and Safety Committee and one extraordinary meeting constituting the Cellnex Group joint prevention service, endorsed by the presidents of the unions, union representatives on the Health and Safety Committee and by the companies Retevisión and Tradia. Any action on occupational health and safety, such as risk assessments, or hygiene studies, among others, is notified to occupational health and safety representatives so they can take part.

A social network of caring employees: Volunteers

The Cellnex Volunteers network was founded in 2015 and is a social network of volunteers who can contribute their ideas, skills, knowledge and time to implement solidarity projects. The main goal of Cellnex Volunteers is to create a space within the Company in which employees, with the support of management, can pool their ideas and carry out volunteer activities, taking part in local or international projects and initiatives, thereby allowing them to help disadvantaged people and communities.

GRI: G4-DMA, G4-26, G4-27, G4-EC3, G4-LA5

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