The Cellnex Group Ethics and Compliance Committee represents the highest body in charge of complying with the Cellnex Group Code of Ethics and developing its internal regulations. This Committee is the advisory and management body, as well as the executive body, of all matters related to the Cellnex Group’s Code of Ethics.
Likewise, the Ethics and Compliance Committee, as the body responsible for criminal compliance, is in charge of identifying the risks, mainly criminal, specific to the Cellnex Group and evaluating, analysing, implementing or improving and monitoring the Crime Prevention and Detection system.
The current composition of the Ethics and Compliance Committee is as follows:
In order to ensure the independence of the Ethics and Compliance Committee of the Cellnex Group, it maintains its functional and organic dependence on the Appointments and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of Cellnex Telecom, S.A.
Following this approach, the Ethics and Compliance Committee regularly reports its activities and initiatives directly to both the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee. It should be underlined that compliance management is currently centralised in the corporation. However, the rules provide that Ethics and Compliance Committees may be set up in each of the countries where Cellnex is present should this prove necessary.
The Cellnex Code of Ethics, approved in 2015 by the Board of Directors, is the fundamental rulebook of the Cellnex Group that establishes the enforceable general guidelines for all persons and stakeholders covered by it within the Cellnex Group.
The aims of the Code of Ethics are:
Responding to the Group’s Code of Ethics, in 2018 the Ethics and Compliance Committee continued to advance on disseminating and communicating the Group’s Code of Ethics through various actions with different scopes according to the geographical area concerned:
Using the Ethical Channel, all affected individuals and stakeholders can:
Such communications and notifications can be made through:
An interactive form was created in 2017 to facilitate communications and is available to all employees. It provides an effective and confidential way to send communications and notifications directly to the Committee via e-mail without the need to print them on paper.
During 2018, two notifications were received for breaches of the Cellnex Group Ethical Code through the Group’s Ethical Channel, for which the appropriate measures were taken to resolve them through the established procedures. None of the notifications received were related to the violation of human rights.
Likewise, Cellnex offers a Corruption prevention procedure, approved in 2015 by the Board, which aims to develop patterns of behaviour to continue efforts to combat corruption. This procedure also applies to all employees and stakeholders. In this regard, no cases of corruption were detected in the Cellnex group in 2018. Moreover, 100% of the Board of Directors were given anti-corruption training.
Cellnex has a Model for the Prevention of Criminal Offences (MPDD), approved in 2017, which includes the appropriate surveillance and control measures to prevent crimes or significantly minimise their risk. The model has a general and specific protocol and will be reviewed periodically.
GRI: 102-16, 102-34, anti-corruption management approach (103-1, 103-2, 103-3), 205-2
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