Cellnex’s Corporate Responsibility framework

Cellnex’s key objective is to generate sustained value in the short, medium and long term, through responsible management of the business, incorporating the interests and expectations of the company’s stakeholders.

Cellnex has a Corporate Responsibility (CR) policy that the Board of Directors approved in 2016 which sets out Cellnex’s CR strategy and commitment to best practices in the countries in which it operates, on the basis of international reference standards. This commitment is set forth in the company’s 2016-2020 CR Master Plan, which constitutes the reference framework and the tool for systematising the strategic objectives, monitoring indicators and the actions and programmes under way for each of the axes of the Plan. Specifically, the plan consists of six areas of action:



With this Master Plan, Cellnex aims to create an instrument bringing together all the company’s ethical, environmental and social initiatives. Furthermore, it sets out a long-term vision, establishing commitments in accordance with internationally recognised standards that place it on the same level as the major infrastructure companies operating in Europe, specifically in the telecommunications sector. This plan also aims to improve two-way dialogue between Cellnex and all stakeholders, especially the company’s staff, customers, suppliers and contractors, administrations, shareholders, the community and partners in shared projects.

In 2017, Cellnex Telecom drafted a declaration on slavery and trafficking in human beings (currently available on its corporate website), in response to the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Law, which condemns any practice of labour exploitation and pledges to prevent it both in its activity and its supply chain. This commitment is developed through the Group’s Corporate Responsibility Policy, which sets basic guidelines and lines of action in this area. Likewise, Cellnex’s Code of Ethics expresses its commitment to complying with human rights and expresses its total rejection of child labour and forced or compulsory labour, and undertakes to respect freedom of association and collective bargaining.

During 2018, Cellnex has elaborated its Human Rights Policy of application to the entire organisation which establishes that Cellnex is committed to protecting and respecting the Human Rights.

In the supply chain, Cellnex evaluates its most critical suppliers in terms of human rights on an annual basis. Furthermore, in 2017, Cellnex drafted a Purchasing Policy under which its suppliers undertake to protect and respect human rights and to be familiar with the Code of Ethics and circulate it among their employees and subcontractors.

In 2018 Cellnex carried out a new materiality analysis to identify and update the most relevant matters for the group, as well as adapt them to the new size of the company. This analysis enables the company to define its priority topics according to internal perceptions, the expectations and concerns of Cellnex stakeholders, and relevant issues regarding Corporate Responsibility in the sector. By performing this materiality study Cellnex can detect any changes that have taken place, both internally and in stakeholder expectations, which allows the company to focus its efforts on programmes that generate greater shared value. The “Determining the content of the report” section of this report describes the analysis methodology and priority matters based on materiality.

CSR Master Plan 2016-2020 and degree of progress.

In 2018 great efforts were made to implement the various goals and actions included in the Master Plan. The degree of implementation of these is shown below:

Action Areas No. Action lines No. Lines under development No. of actions Attainment of the different actions
Ethical management and good governance 5 100% 21 86 %
People development 6 100 % 9 78 %
Sustainable development of the business 9 100% 17 65 %
Adding value to society 5 60 % 9 44 %
Communication and reporting 10 80 % 13 69 %
Governance of Corporate Responsibility 3 100% 13 77 %
TOTAL 38 90 % 82 70 %

Main actions implemented in 2018 Key future actions

Ethical management and good governance

Increasing the proportion of Independent directors (60%) and womens (33%) on the Board of Directors.
Separating non-executive and executive roles in the company by appointing Marco Patuano as non-executive chairman.

Continuing to work towards a board of directors whose composition is in accordance with the guidelines of the Code of Good Governance of Listed Companies CNMV (2015).
Training plan on the Code of Ethics and Prevention of Corruption in all the countries that make up the group.

People development

Renewing the Equality Plan applicable to the Spanish subsidiaries Retevisión and Tradia.
Assessing psychosocial risks in Cellnex Spain through Norprevención.
Implementing the HR Business Partner programme to bring the People department closer to the business and align its objectives and priorities with the group strategy.
Developing the Ignition Project for interns to attract talent and increase workforce diversity.
Developing and implementing a national plan to enhance pride in belonging to the company and creating a Group culture.
Continuing to make a firm commitment to equal opportunities and non-discrimination by supporting measures to facilitate the presence of women in the company.
Continuing to measure staff satisfaction through work climate surveys.

Sustainable development of the business

Implementing the Sustainable Mobility Plan in Barcelona.
Approving and formalising the Carbon Management Plan for Cellnex Spain.
Incorporating France and Switzerland in the Reporting of CSR, as well as incorporating France in the measuring and verifying the Group’s carbon footprint.
Making a commitment in Cellnex Netherlands to reduce energy consumption by 6% per year.
CDP suppliers - Supply Chain
We have carried out communications, security awareness and mobility initiatives.
Participating in EMR analysis and research initiatives.
Taking steps to progressively adapt the Cellnex purchasing system to a system that is sustainable with climate change. Adapting the internal processes in the current Integrated Management System (9001-14001-0SHAS) to integrate the requirements of ISO-50001.

Adding value to society

Drafting a Human Rights Policy
Drafting a sponsorship handbook that responds to the company’s strategic priorities
Developing and evaluating a pilot project in consortium with third-sector entities that use loT technology in social housing.
Renew the project with entities of the Third Sector in which IoT technology is applied in the field of social housing, extending the scope thereof

Communication and reporting

Having the company’s integrated annual report checked by an independent third party in accordance with the highest reporting standards.
Drafting a Non-financial Reporting Manual to ensure the consistency of information that is published.
Study of materiality update of Cellnex
Promote and capillarize the internal awareness of the CR strategy and its achievements.

CSR governance

Preparing an RC Integration Plan for the new companies in the group
Drafting an Internal RC Communication Plan to raise awareness of CR within the company.
Defining common Corporate Responsibility requirements for all Group companies.
Implement the SA8000 at a corporate level of the Cellnex Group. (Cellnex Italia has been certified in 2018).

GRI: 102-11, 102-19, 102-20, 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, Human Rights assessment management approach (103-1, 103-2, 103-3)

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