The Cellnex risk management model is formalised in a risk management policy approved and overseen by the Audit and Control Committee. This model is embodied in a comprehensive risk management system that allows risks to be managed in a logical and structured way while facilitating effective and efficient decision-making. The main stages in risk management include: risk identification, risk analysis, assessing and developing risk action plans and monitor an review.
Cellnex’s integrated risk management model involves the Steering Committee developing and monitoring a risk map while the Audit and Control Committee oversees its development. In 2018, the Board of Directors examined the Risk Maps of the various countries. When a new company joins the group, there is a prudential period of consolidation from which time the risks are analysed and the Code of Ethics disseminated.
It is important to note here that in 2018 Cellnex Switzerland adopted the Cellnex Group risk management model and set out a Risk Map and Action Plan using the same typology and methodology as the rest of the Group. Likewise, maintaining the objective of homogenising risk management, in 2019 the risk maps that exist in the different companies of Cellnex Italy and the Netherlands will be merged so that there is a single map of risks by geographical area.
In this regard, we should underline that the management team and the governing bodies of Cellnex are aware that creating value for the organisation is directly linked to managing risks that may jeopardise the sustainability of its strategy.
The main risks that may affect the achievement of the Group’s objectives are:
Risks related to the industry and the business in which the Group operates
Risks related to financial information
Financial risks
GRI: 102-11,102-15, 102-19,102-16, 102-20, 102-34, anti-corruption management approach (103-1, 103-2, 103-3), 205-1, 205-2, 205-3, 405-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1
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