This commitment to R&D+i represents one of themain challenges for Cellnex in the current globalcontext, which is characterised by its stronginnovative component and global social realitythat is strongly linked to the digital world andcommunication technologies.
Accordingly, the Cellnex innovation strategy focuses on the services of the future in each of its business lines:
In 2017, the innovation model implemented in 2016 was consolidated, based on integrating and flexible processes, as well as the standardisation of development in the innovation business, comprising two types of project:
This model also embodies a cross-cutting approach, in which working procedures are defined for multidisciplinary teams and enhanced cooperation with the stakeholders that deal with Cellnex. Some examples of stakeholders are: technology start-ups, universities and key players from other sectors.
Notably, the innovation model, based on three pre-defined stages, is focused not only on developing new business and/or products, but also on developing incremental improvements to current services and products. In this regard, we have seen a significant increase in customer satisfaction.
This improvement is driving Cellnex to continue working in line with the target of mainstreaming innovation and working with internal and external multidisciplinary teams.
European project funded by the Celtic-Plus programme that aims to use 5G technologies to define an architecture flexible enough to meet ultra-low cost requirements and at the same time offer broadband Internet access in rural areas of emerging countries. The 5G sharing mechanisms will have to meet the new requirements for providing minimum services over long distances. Cellnex has the role of Spanish coordinator in the consortium as well as actively participating as a main player in the on-site demonstrations.
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