Cellnex's Corporate Responsibility framework


Cellnex's key objective is to generate sustained value in the short, medium and long term, through responsible management of the business, incorporating the interests and expectations of the company’s stakeholders.

In 2016, the Board of Directors approved the Corporate Responsibility (CR) policy, which includes Cellnex's CR strategy and commitment to the application of best practices in the countries in which it operates and on the basis of international reference standards. This commitment is developed in the company's 2012-2020 CR Master Plan, which constitutes the reference framework and the tool for systematising the strategic objectives, monitoring indicators and the actions and programmes underway for each of the axes of the Plan. Specifically, the plan consists of six areas of action:

The CR Plan incorporates the best experiences of the Cellnex group companies as well as new proposals for building a better organisation day by day. With this Master Plan, Cellnex aims to create an instrument bringing together all the company's ethical, environmental and social initiatives, further establishing a long-term vision, setting commitments in accordance with internationally recognised standards that place it on the same level as the major infrastructure companies operating in Europe, specifically in the telecommunications sector. This plan also aims to improve two-way dialogue between Cellnex and all stakeholders, especially the company’s staff team, customers, suppliers and contractors, administrations, shareholders, the community and partners in shared projects.

In 2017, Cellnex Telecom published a declaration on Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement in response to the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Law, which condemns any practice of labour exploitation and pledges to prevent it both in its activity and its supply chain. This commitment is developed through the Group's Corporate Responsibility Policy, which sets basic guidelines and lines of action in this area. Likewise, Cellnex's Code of Ethics expresses its commitment to complying with human rights and expresses its total rejection of child labour and forced or compulsory labour, and undertakes to respect freedom of association and collective bargaining. In the supply chain, Cellnex evaluates its most critical suppliers in terms of human rights on an annual basis. In addition, in 2017 Cellnex drew up the Purchase Policy that establishes the obligation for its suppliers to comply with protection and respect for Human Rights and to be familiar with the Code of Ethics and share it with its employees and subcontractors.


Lines of action included in the Cellnex CSR Master Plan


GRI: 102-19, 102-20


CSR Master Plan 2016-2020 and degree of progress.

In 2017 great efforts were made to implement the various goals and actions included in the Master Plan. The degree of implementation of these is shown below:


CSR 2016-2020 Master Plan
Action Areas No. Action lines No. Lines under development No. of actions Attainment of the various actions
Ethical management and good governance5100%2181%
People development683%944%
Sustainable development of the business9100%1747%
Adding value to society540%922%
Communication and reporting1070%1362%
Governance of Corporate Responsibility3100%1354%

GRI 102-11, 102-19, 102-20, 102-34


Main actions implemented in 2017/Main actions in the future

Ethical management and good governance

Main actions implemented in 2017

  • Evaluation of the performance of the Board of Directors of the Company, with the help of an external consultant.
  • Development and implementation of a monitoring system for good governance practices.

Key future actions

  • Preparing a transition process towards a board of directors whose composition is in accordance with the guidelines of the Code of Good Governance of Listed Companies CNMV (2015).

People development

Main actions implemented in 2017

  • Designing and implementing an expatriation methodology that guarantees correct personnel management.
  • Preparing and implementing a Human Resources Integration Plan for newly incorporated companies to Cellnex.

Key future actions

  • Making a firm commitment to equal opportunities and non-discrimination by supporting measures to facilitate the presence of women in the company.
  • Continuing to measure staff satisfaction through work climate surveys.
  • Developing and implementing a national plan to enhance pride in belonging to the company and creating a Group culture.

Sustainable development of the business

Main actions implemented in 2017

  • Designing a Sustainable Mobility Plan.
  • Increasing the percentage of waste recovered.
  • Establishing annual targets to minimise the carbon footprint.
  • Verifying the carbon footprint.
  • Voluntary annual compensation of CO2 emissions.
  • Introducing messages related to sustainability aspects in the information panels of the operational centres.

Key future actions

  • Initiate actions for the progressive adaptation of Cellnex procurement system to a sustainable system with climate change.
  • Adapt the internal processes of the current Integrated Management System (9001-14001-0SHAS) to integrate the ISO-50001 requirements.
  • Promote communication initiatives, Sustainability awareness, Security, Mobility and carbon management. 

Adding value to society

Main actions implemented in 2017

  • Drafting a Responsible and Proximity Purchasing Policy.
  • Developing and assessing a pilot project in a consortium with other collaborators supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups dedicated to innovative technological projects in the ICT field.

Key future actions

  • Drafting a sponsorship manual that responds to the company's strategic priorities. Defining guidelines for activities in the social action plan to convey specific actions to be rolled out and prioritising them.

Communication and reporting

Main actions implemented in 2017

  • Having the company's integrated annual report verified by an independent third party in accordance with the highest reporting standards. 
  • Preparing a Basic Guide to Non-financial Information Reporting.

Key future actions

  • Drafting an Internal RC Communication Plan to raise awareness of CR within the company.
  • Preparing a non-financial information reporting manual to define the reporting processes within the company and to ensure homogeneity within the information published. 

CSR governance

Main actions implemented in 2017

  • Incorporating a new RC manager.

Key future actions

  • Defining common Corporate Responsibility requirements for all Group companies.
  • Preparing an RC Integration Plan for the new companies in the group.

GRI 102-11, 102-34

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