In 2017 Cellnex continued working to implement and consolidate the best corporate governance practices, covered essentially in the Code of Good Corporate Governance for Listed Companies approved by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) on 18 February 2015. Consequently, this alignment governs the rules that regulate the workings of the company's governing bodies, the highest instance of which is the Board.
The policy for the selection of directors, drawn up in 2016 by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors, aims to achieve the right composition for the Board of Directors. This policy states that, for the selection of Board members, account must be taken of aspects such as the structure of the company shareholding, the diversity of knowledge, professional experience, origin, nationalities and gender of its members, ability to devote the time necessary for the job, specialisation in any specific subjects of special relevance (financial, legal, telecommunications, etc.), the absence of conflicts of interest (real or potential) and a personal commitment to defend the corporate interest. In particular, as regards, gender diversity, the policy must ensure that the less-represented gender makes up at least 30% of the total members of the Board of Directors, as soon as possible, and by the end of 2020.
In application of this policy, in financial year 2017 it was agreed to increase the number of directors by one. To fill this position, a well known executive head-hunter firm selection was hired and, after a rigorous process, the Appointments and Remuneration Committee nominated Marieta del Rivero, who was appointed independent director by a decision of the AGM.
Cellnex currently has a Board of Directors that is compact, experienced and oriented towards rolling out the strategy, with four proprietary directors and five independent directors, besides the CEO.
Among the adjustments made during 2017 we would highlight:
These updates will supplement the policies and regulations currently in force at Cellnex to strengthen best practices in corporate governance.
Furthermore, last November a two-day annual meeting was held with the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, at which topics on the strategy and evolution of the company were discussed.
GRI: 102-18, 102-24, 102-27
In 2017, Cellnex commissioned an external consultant to conduct an appraisal of the performance of the Board of Directors, which concluded that, within a short period of time, Cellnex has created a complete internal regulatory body that ensures compliance with statutory obligations and the principles and recommendations of corporate governance. The Board, the Directors and its Committees have adopted and taken on board the conviction that it is not only obligatory and advisable, but also advantageous to manage with transparency, respect for shareholders, workers, suppliers and customers, and to abide by the principles that have been consolidated in the framework of corporate governance.
The Cellnex governance bodies are supplemented by the Audit and Control Committee (CAC) and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (CNR), both composed of non-executive directors, mostly independent. It should also be noted that the Board Committees are chaired by independent directors.
The responsibilities and functioning of the Audit and Control Committee, and Appointments and Remuneration Committee, are set out in the Terms of Reference of the Board of Directors.
GRI: 102-18, 102-22, 102-23, 102-27, management approach for diversity and equal opportunity (103-1, 103-2, 103-2), 405-1
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