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Select 2015 2016 2017
Revenues (€Mn) 613.000.000 707.000.000 789.000.000
Ajusted EBITDA 235.000.000 290.000.000 355.000.000
Recurring leveraged free cashflow (Thousands of Euros) 194.000.000 251.000.000 278.000.000
Sites 15.119 17.900 22.365
Progression of PoP's (TOTAL) 20.740 24.698 30.149
Progression of DAS nodes 949 1.072 1.348
Third party taxes 91.700.000 108,9.000.000 123.500.000
Own taxes 40.600.000 43.000.000 44.100.000
Progression of Cellnex shares % 23,1 -2,4 56
Progression of Cellnex shares vs. IBEX 35 % -14,5 -16,2 8
Purchased goods and services % 70,93 59 64,2
Staff costs % 20,69 19 19,21
Financial costs % 3,54 9 12,45
Environmental costs % 0,17 1 0,13
Ordinary dividends % 4,67 4 3,94
Taxes % 3,54 8 0,08
Amortisations % 84,34 90 95,71
Result not distributed % 15,66 10 3,73
No. Action lines - 40 38
No. Lines under development % - 76 82
No. of Actions - 82 82
Attainment of the various actions % - 34 52
MNO's infraestructure services % 49 55 60
Broadcasting infraestructure % 37 33 30
Network services % 14 12 10
Infraestructure sharing ratio 1,53 1,62 1,55
Degree of progress of the CSR 2016-2020 master plan % - 76 82

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