Future prospects. The great opportunity of the Digital Single Market

Cellnex is playing an important role in achieving the objectives of the Digital Single Market Strategy. An example of this is that, in 2017, Cellnex received a loan of EUR 100 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the development of mobile telecommunications infrastructure in Spain and Italy. The agreement is supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the central pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe, known as the "Juncker Plan". Specifically, Cellnex plans to deploy new telecommunications sites in rural and urban environments, as well as DAS nodes, which will be located at points of high demand for mobile broadband communications. This funding is crucial to prepare mobile networks for the arrival of 5G, which will help to comply with the Digital Single Market Strategy, one of whose objectives is for at least one city in each EU Member State to be able to offer 5G services by 2020.


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