Cellnex has a security information policy that reflects the company's commitment in this area, the necessary steps to be taken to identify and protect information assets, as well as to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations. Likewise, since 2015 the company has had an Information Security Management System based on ISO standard 27001.
An information map has been prepared under this Management System, from which risks have been identified and evaluated, to apply mitigation measures in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
With regard to the personal data managed by the company, including customer data, Cellnex applies the European General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. Specific analyses of customer data applications are performed, along with security measures for each of these applications, on the basis of risks identified, based on the three dimensions mentioned above: confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
During 2017, Cellnex continued to make progress in this area, launching new projects:
In this regard, in 2017 there was no filtering, theft or loss of information in Spain or Italy, nor were any complaints received in relation to information security and data protection. For Cellnex Italy, as an improvement in this field of activity, legal clauses on privacy and data protection were added in each contract.
GRI: management approach for customer privacy (103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 418-1)
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