Business outlook

Following a year marked by the international consolidation and expansion of the Group, with the acquisitions executed in 2017, during 2018 the Group will continue to analyse investment and growth opportunities that comply with the strict profitability and discipline requirements that the Group applies to all its investments.

The Group will maintain its focus on the potential investments in markets where it currently operates as well as other European markets in which investment opportunities are present and comply with its requirements. The priority continues to be to grow in the Telecom Infrastructure Services segment, for which there are clearly two growth paths:

  1. Organic growth, in the countries in which the Group operates, reaching service agreements with new customers that need to develop and implement their own network, along with agreements with current customers, offering services that allow them to rationalise their networks and optimise costs, through the dismantling of duplicate infrastructures and building new infrastructures in strategic sites that could offer service to one or more customers. This growth allows the Group to increase its ratio of customers by infrastructure and work with the operators to complete the deployment of 4G, reduce areas with no signal coverage and extend network densification.
  2. Inorganic growth which is comprised of the acquisition of companies in the same sector as well as asset deals mainly from mobile network operators, such that, once acquired, the Group can offer additional services to the operators.

With this growth strategy the Group pursues the following objectives: increase its customer base, diversify geographically in countries with strong credit ratings, create a European platform to deliver organic growth, be ready for the implementation of 5G networks and, as a result, its improve business risk profile.

In terms of day to day operations the Group will continue consolidating recent acquisitions, maintaining permanent contact with its customers from all business segments in order to improve and extend the services currently offered and to ensure the renewal of all contracts under the most advantageous conditions for all parties.

This outlook for the Group, along with the ongoing efforts to improve efficiency, allows it to expect higher on-going operating returns.

No new risks or uncertainties are expected other than those noted above(12) that are inherent to the business or those indicated in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for the year ended on 31 December 2017. Nonetheless, the Group has strived and will continue to strive to optimise its management control over operating costs and investments.

(12) See details in Annex I

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