Sustainability is a fundamental pillar of the Cellnex Group - it is embedded in the company’s business model, which focuses on the shared management of telecommunications infrastructures.
Cellnex's strategy is based on the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy and is formalised through the ESG Master Plan (2021-2025), which measures and manages the impacts generated on society and the environment in an efficient and responsible manner.
Cellnex's Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC) is the body responsible for monitoring the ESG strategy, which reports to the Board of Directors (BoD). ESG topics were discussed in 19% of the meetings held by the NRSC in 2023 and in 3 out of 29 meetings held by the BoD in 2023 (10%).
Moreover, an executive ESG Committee was created for the further development of these functions. The Committee is chaired by the Corporate and Public Affairs area and is composed of various departments related to ESG topics, such as People, Operations, Corporate Governance, Sustainability, Investor Relations and Procurement.
During 2023, the ESG Committee met 3 times (3 in 2022).
ESG oversight |
Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC) |
Governance body in charge of oversight of ESG and related topics which reports to the Board of Directors. Its main responsibilities and functions are:
ESG Committee |
Day-to-day management of ESG functional teams. Its main functions are:
ESG Leaders |
An online community that was developed to create synergies and improve relationships between the Cellnex Group's ESG country leaders. This team meets quarterly to follow up on issues such as:
During 2023, all Cellnex employees have been involved in a range of initiatives to create a positive impact on society
In March 2021 Cellnex approved its ESG Policy, which establishes the basic guidelines and lines of action regarding Cellnex’s ESG strategy. This allows the ESG concept to be formalised and implemented within the framework of the organisation, communicated to stakeholders and progressively integrated in all of the Group's systems and operational processes.
The ESG Policy therefore constitutes the minimum requirements in terms of ESG-related matters to be met by all companies that operate under the umbrella of the Cellnex Group. The managing director of each Cellnex Group company must ensure that internal regulations are developed and/or adapted in line with this policy and with any applicable legal regulations.
Cellnex's ESG Policy recognises three basic principles:
Starting in 2023, all employees will integrate ESG-linked remuneration within their group and/or country targets
Cellnex's value creation model, based on the ESG Policy, is delivered through its 2021-2025 ESG Master Plan, which lays out the roadmap and action plan. By establishing objectives and commitments, Cellnex aspires to continue improving its sustainability performance while extending its commitment to all of its stakeholders throughout its value chain.
During 2023, all Cellnex employees have been involved in a range of initiatives to create a positive impact on society. Aligned with the core values of the company, various initiatives have taken place to integrate sustainability in both the core business and everyday life:
In 2023, further demonstrating the Company's commitment to transparency and compliance with ESG reporting standards, Cellnex conducted a comprehensive Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) GAP Analysis. This analysis focused on evaluating existing company practices and procedures in relation to the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) requirements. By scrutinising its current operations and reporting against the ESRS guidelines, the company sought to identify areas where its practices aligned with the standard and areas needing enhancement or modification to meet ESRS requirements. The GAP Analysis process provided a strategic overview, enabling the company to outline a roadmap towards achieving compliance with the ESRS guidelines in 2024.
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for sustainability-related information within the evolving business environment. It has become essential for companies to integrate sustainability into their core business operations. Within this context, identifying a company's key concerns related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues is crucial to meet the expectations and requirements of stakeholders.
In this context, following the inception of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), its review under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the subsequent development of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), there has been an increased focus on the concept of double materiality. This concept involves assessing the organisation's influence on the environment and society (impact materiality) alongside the effect of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues on the company's capacity to generate value (financial materiality).
In 2022, Cellnex carried out a double materiality analysis in which 29 Specific ESG Topics were identified, based on the Group's 2020 materiality matrix and taking into account both, impact materiality and financial materiality. These Specific ESG Topics represent the main impacts generated by Cellnex. After analysis, in 2023 the aspects identified in 2022 were considered to be still valid. However, at the end of 2023, a new double materiality assessment was started, to be completed in 2024 and also following the requirements of the CSRD and the EFRAG guidelines to carry it out.
The double materiality analysis was validated by the Nominations, Remunerations, and Sustainability Committee, and was presented to the Executive and ESG Committees. The management of each of the impacts generated by Cellnex is explained throughout the present Consolidated Management Report. More detailed information regarding the location of these references can be found in: Annex 4. GRI Content Index.
Top material: Those specific material topics that exceed the cut-off for both impact and financial materiality.
Environmental management |
1 |
Environmental strategy and positioning |
3 |
Climate change |
4 |
Energy management |
People |
9 |
Equity, diversity and inclusion |
12 |
Well-being, health and safety |
Value Chain |
17 |
Sustainable supply chain strategy |
Governance model and compliance |
28 |
Good governance |
29 |
Ethics and compliance |
Medium material: Those specific material issues that exceed the cut-off for either impact or financial materiality.
Social impact |
14 |
Access to communications |
15 |
Human Rights |
Value Chain |
19 |
Cybersecurity and privacy of the information |
Business model, activity and strategya |
21 |
Network expansion |
Cellnex’s ESG Policy is delivered through the 2021-2025 ESG Master Plan. This is a five-year plan built on 6 strategic axes (which includes a cross-cutting strategic axe related to communication, awareness and training actions), and each with a total of 21 strategic lines. The Plan is applicable to all Cellnex geographies, demonstrating the importance of ESG within the company.
"This year, we have updated our sustainability strategy through the mid-term review of the ESG Master Plan, taking into account the impacts on our stakeholders and in anticipation of the new regulations and requirements in this area."
Marissa Serrahima
ESG Expert - Cellnex Corporate
The ESG Master Plan was devised to enable Cellnex to implement initiatives to bolster the Company's influence on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over a period of 5 years. Additionally, the plan aligns its strategies with the specific SDGs and their corresponding targets. The ESG Master Plan underwent a mid-term review in 2023, in order to update the actions for 2023-2025,
The Master Plan amalgamates ethical governance and social and environmental initiatives, aligning them with the SDGs and adhering to international standards. It encompasses the latest sustainability trends, with commitments and objectives tailored to meet the expectations of all Cellnex stakeholders. Cellnex incorporates ESG elements into its strategy, efficiently and responsibly measuring and managing the impacts on society and the surrounding areas.
Cellnex acknowledges the emergence of new risks and demands amidst globally prevailing environmental and social phenomena. Beyond the scope of purely economic aspects, this heightened awareness, along with the challenges encountered by organisations like Cellnex — greater emphasis on transparency, increased shareholder engagement, climate change, risks within the value chain, circular economy practices, SDGs and others — has driven the company to reinforce its dedication to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters in recent years.
As indicated above, the 2023 review resulted in an increase in strategic lines from 17 to 21. The following changes were implemented:
Strategic Axe |
17 Strategic Lines 2020 |
21 Strategic Lines 2022 |
Manage the risks and opportunities of our activity |
Manage the risks and opportunities of our activity |
Act ethically, respecting compliance and regulation standards |
Act ethically, respecting compliance and regulation standards |
Create strong relationships with our stakeholders and alliances with third parties |
(this strategic line changes of axis – to ESG Awareness) |
Cybersecurity & privacy of information |
Create a common corporate culture among the group |
Create a common corporate culture among the group |
Define and implement our equity, diversity and inclusion program |
Define and implement our equity, diversity and inclusion program |
Promover y fomentar la atracción y retención del talento |
Promote and foster talent attraction and retention |
Respect health and safety of our employees at their workplace |
Respect health and safety of our employees at their workplace |
Participate and collaborate in social contribution initiatives |
Participate and collaborate in social contribution initiatives |
Measure and manage our impact on the society |
Measure and manage our impact on the society |
Plan and manage our environmental sustainability strategy |
Integrated environmental management |
Mitigate our impact and create an adaptation plan to climate change |
Climate change |
Manage responsibly and circularly the use of resources within the group |
Circular economy |
Respect and minimize our impact on natural spaces and biodiversity |
Biodiversity and land use |
Energy management |
Water management |
Infrastructures environmental impacts |
Training, awareness and collaboration with the Community |
Extend our commitment to suppliers |
Extend our commitment to suppliers |
Extend our commitment to customers |
Extend our commitment to customers |
Ensuring that all employees in the company are aware of the ESG MP |
ESG Awareness |
Promoting and communicating the ESG strategy within the Group |
Create strong relationships with our stakeholders and alliances with third parties |
Materiality matrix |
ESG Master Plan 2021-2025 |
Reporting |
ESG main topics |
ESG specific topics |
Strategic priorities |
Law 11/2018 |
Company business model |
Economic management and performance | Showing what we are, acting with integrity |
2: The organisation and its reporting practices 201: Economic Performance 202: Market Presence 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 207: Tax 419: Socioeconomic Compliance
Business Model Tax Information |
Risks and opportunities management (business, ESG risks, etc.) | 2: Strategy, policies and practices | Risks | |||
Governance model and Compliance | Corporate Governance |
Showing what we are, acting with integrity Ensuring awareness of our responsible way of behaving |
2. Governance
Competitive Behaviour |
Ethics and Human Rights |
2: Strategy, policies and practices 205: Anti-corruption 406: Non-discrimination 408: Child Labour 409: Forced or Compulsory Labour 412: Human Rights Assessment 414: Supplier Social Assessment |
People management | Corporate Culture | Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive | 2: Activities and workers 401: Employment 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
Employment Work organisation Social relations Accessibility Equality-en |
Equity, diversity and inclusion |
405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
406: Non-discrimination
Employment Accessibility Equality-en |
Talent attraction and retention |
401: Employment
404:Training and Education
Employment Work organisation Training |
Training and development |
404: Training and Education
Training | |||
Health and Safety |
402: Labour/Management Relations 403: Occupational Health and Safety
407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Health and safety | |||
Commitment to innovation |
Boosting the digitalisation of society
Being a facilitator of social progress | 413: Local Communities | Company's commitments to sustainable development |
Contribution to society | Social contribution | Being a facilitator of social progress |
204: Procurement Practices 413: Local Communities-en |
Company's commitments to sustainable development |
Mitigating the impacts of infrastructure |
203: Indirect Economic Impacts 413: Local Communities 416: Customer Health and Safety |
Company's commitments to sustainable development | |||
Sustainability and environment | Environmental and climate risks and impact management |
Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach |
102: Strategy 302: Energy 304: Biodiversity 305: Emissions 307: Environmental Compliance 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment |
Environmental Footprint of Operations Product End-of life Management |
Climate change and carbon footprint strategy |
302: Energy 305:Emissions |
Sustainable use of resources |
302: Energy
Customer management | Privacy and security of information | Extending our commitment to the value chain |
2: Stakeholder engagement 417: Marketing and Labelling 418: Customer Privacy |
Data Privacy Data Security Managing systemic risks from technology disruptions |
Within the ESG Master Plan 2021-2025, Cellnex has identified its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and related targets based on its main priorities, risks and opportunities.
As a demonstration of its dedication to ESG transparency and accountability, the table below showcases the tracking of these KPIs and targets outlined across each dimension.
Notably, new objectives were incorporated into the ESG Master Plan following the mid-term review in 2023. A large part of the 2023 targets have been successfully achieved. Cellnex is also on the right track to meet short-term objectives. Cellnex has decided to move away from focusing on specific recruitment metrics to reflect its commitment to EDI. It believes that a holistic approach, including retention, talent development and organisational culture, is necessary to achieve a true EDI mindset. In this regard, the company has focused on career development, creating opportunities and internal promotion, reducing the gender pay gap, as well as fostering an inclusive workplace culture.
On the other hand, the level of engagement could be regarded as stable compared to previous years, but taking into account all the changes, this marks a significant success.
Further information on each of the initiatives is disclosed in the corresponding chapters of the Integrated Annual Report.
Target year |
Target |
2023 |
Environmental 1 |
Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach |
Sourcing of renewable electricity (SBT) 2 |
2025 |
100% |
77% |
Reduction of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel and energy-related activities (SBT) |
2030 |
(70%) |
(83%) |
Reduction of absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods (SBT) |
2025 |
(21)% |
(14%) |
Reduction of the carbon footprint: scope 1, 2 and 3 (Carbon neutral) 3 |
2035 |
Carbon neutral |
(51%) |
Net-zero (2050) |
2050 |
(100)% |
Work in progress |
CDP: Minimum of 50% of the total invited suppliers each year from 2023 |
2025 |
50% |
78% |
Measure the 30% of Cellnex consumption by smart meter systems by 2025 |
2025 |
30% |
31% |
Deploy Global energy Platform for >70% of Cellnex consumption by 2025 |
2025 |
>70% |
22% |
% of Cellnex consumption to be ISO 50001 verified by 2025 |
2025 |
70% |
22% |
Integration of environmental standards within the purchasing management system |
2025 |
100% |
Work in progress |
Social |
Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive |
Women in management positions 4 |
2025 |
30% |
30% |
Hires of women 5 |
2025 |
50% |
__ |
Hires of young talent 5 |
2025 |
30% |
__ |
Appointments of international Directors at Cellnex HQ |
2025 |
60% |
80% |
Appointments of international employees at Cellnex HQ |
2025 |
40% |
33% |
Career advancement for women 4 |
2025 |
40% |
52% |
Employee engagement Survey (ESS) - % Engagement |
2025 |
≥70% |
64% |
EES - Overall Purpose dimension : % favorable scores |
2023/2025 |
56-64% / ≥70% |
61% |
ESS - ≥60% Favorable wellbeing scores in all BUs or improve by 5 % |
2023 |
≥60% / >5% |
57% / +5% |
Inclusive leadership positive scores on the employee pulse survey |
2025 |
≥75% / ≥80% |
78% |
Being a facilitator of social progress |
% of the global headcount in all countries to participate in volunteering activities |
2025 |
5% |
7% |
Extending our commitment to the value chain |
Critical suppliers homologated considering ESG criteria |
from 2023 |
100% |
95% |
critical suppliers that have not complied with minimum ESG evaluation criteria, audited |
2025 |
80% |
Work in progress |
Evaluation of critical/significant suppliers through CDP & Ecovadis |
from 2023 |
100% |
95% |
Suppliers supported in corrective action plan implementation |
2025 |
80% |
Work in progress |
Ensuring the awareness of our responsible way of doing |
Cellnex Group employees attending the ESG annual training |
2023 |
80% |
69% |
Governance |
Showing what we are, acting with integrity |
Women directors |
2025 |
40% |
54% |
Non-executive directors |
2025 |
90% |
92% |
Independent directors |
2025 |
60% |
69% |
Directors with ESG capabilities and expertise |
2025 |
75% |
100% |
Nationalities in the BoD |
2025 |
≥5 |
7 |
80% of Cellnex Group and 100% of Executive Committee and Directors receiving compliance training |
2024 |
80/100% |
Work in progress |
(1) KPIs reported on an annual basis. Compared to the base year FY20 verified by an external certified entity.
(2) Electricity target (Scope 2) refer to the energy directly managed by Cellnex. Data calculated according to SBT and GHG Protocol methodology applied to the financial perimeter.
(3) By 2035 Cellnex will offset the residual emissions that could not be reduced with the aim of being carbon neutral by 2035 and net-zero by 2050.
(4) According to FY20 perimeter, companies acquired due to M&A will be included after 3 years of its intake.
(5) Cellnex has decided to move away from focusing on specific procurement metrics to reflect its commitment to EDI, as specified in the chapter 1.3.1 Sustainability Strategy.
Cellnex is deeply committed and focused in the achievement of its selected SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were defined as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to provide an opportunity for countries and their citizens to embark on a new path to improve the lives of people everywhere, leaving no one behind.
Cellnex is deeply committed to advancing the objectives with an active focus on contributing towards achieving the SDGs.
In 2020 Cellnex carried out a study to identify which SDGs the Company made the greatest contribution to, based on its activity. The initial identification of the SDGs, as well as the materiality study conducted in 2020, served as the starting point to prepare Cellnex's ESG Master Plan 2021-2025. These SDGs were redefined in 2023.
To identify these key SDGs, a variety of information (economic, social, environmental, etc.) was gathered from the countries where Cellnex operated at that point. Financial modelling was used to determine the significance of each SDG and its respective targets.
Following the analysis, three categories of SDGs were identified based on their importance for Cellnex:
The ESG Master Plan was formulated to aid Cellnex in undertaking initiatives to enhance the Company's impact on the SDGs over a five-year period. Correspondingly, the plan establishes a correlation between its strategies and the specific SDGs and the targets that they address.
Action line |
SDGs targets |
Showing what we are, acting with integrity |
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all |
8,3 |
Reduce inequality within and among countries |
10.2 10.3 |
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts |
13.1 13.2 |
Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive |
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages |
3,8 |
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls |
5,5 |
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all |
8,3 |
Reduce inequality within and among countries |
10.2 10.3 |
Being a facilitator of social progress |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation |
9,1 |
Reduce inequality within and among countries |
10.2 10.3 |
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable |
11,3 |
Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach |
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all |
7.b |
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns |
12,7 |
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts |
13.1 13.2 |
Extending our commitment to the value chain |
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all |
8,3 |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation |
9,1 | ||
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns |
12,7 | ||
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts |
13.1 13.2 |
Ensuring awareness of our responsible way of behaving |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation |
9,1 |
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable |
11,3 | ||
Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development finance |
All |
The actions carried out in 2023 that contributed to the main Sustainable Development Goals are presented below.
Moreover, as an expression of its commitment to include corporate social responsibility in its operational strategy and organisational culture, Cellnex has been a participant of the United Nations Global Compact since November 2015. In this regard, Cellnex publishes its Communication of Progress on an annual basis on the Global Compact website and is committed to the corporate responsibility initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Stakeholders are those actors that are directly or indirectly affected by the development of Cellnex's business activities and therefore also have the ability to directly or indirectly affect Cellnex's activities. That is why engaging with them is essential for the Company.
Cellnex has identified seven stakeholders that are a priority for the Company: Suppliers, Media, Public Administration and Associations, Customers, Investors and Shareholders, Employees, and Society and Local Community. Cellnex has established specific communication tools with each stakeholder to foster engagement. Additionally, Cellnex also has common channels that it uses to communicate with all stakeholders, such as Cellnex’s website, press releases, etc.
Furthermore, Cellnex deepens its commitment to each of the identified stakeholders by taking them into account during the development of its ESG Master Plan - each stakeholder is included in one or more strategic priorities within the Plan. Moreover, Cellnex consults each of its stakeholders when it updates its materiality analysis, making it possible to obtain their feedback on issues that they identify as relevant for Cellnex, in addition to expressing their expectations and needs.
Cellnex's stakeholder commitment and relationship map is shown bellow:
Stakeholders |
Communication tools and relationship with Stakeholders |
Cellnex commitments |
ESG Master Plan Strategic priority |
Common |
Specific |
Group of companies, regardless of their size, that supply goods and/or provide services to Cellnex |
ESG Committee
Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC)
Ethical channel
Integrated Annual Report
Materiality Analysis
Corporate website
Social networks
Cellnex Trends
Newsletter |
Ariba Tool (Supplier portal)
Supplier Code of Conduct
Ecovadis (Supplier evaluation)
CDP Supply chain
Confidential complaints channel |
Creating long-term relationships with suppliers based on communication and transparency, seeking growth and continuous improvement. Involving suppliers in Cellnex’s corporate values and policies (for example, regarding human and labour rights protection, respect for the environment and the sustainable management of resources). |
Extending our commitment to the value chain |
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Channels and internal or external instruments to inform and communicate information regarding Cellnex. It includes press, communication, brand and advertising agencies, as well as Cellnex’s website and social media. |
Press releases
Online press room
Relationship with the media
Participation in forums and events |
Ensuring the dissemination of truthful and transparent information on different platforms to ensure access to information by all interested parties. Content creation through collaboration agreements with other entities. Communication of regulated information through the National Securities and Markets Commission (CNMV). |
Showing what we are, acting with integrity + Ensuring awareness of our responsible way of behaving |
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Public administration and associations
Public entities that regulate Cellnex’s activity. It includes European, national, regional and local administrations, regulators, industrial associations, technology platforms, universities and training centres. |
Participation in associations
Interaction with Public Administrations
Collaboration agreements |
Ensuring compliance with regulations applicable to Cellnex. Contribution to the socio-economic development of the countries where Cellnex operates through collaborations to develop an inclusive and sustainable economy. Building alliances for development and global well-being. |
Showing what we are, acting with integrity + Being a facilitator of social progress |
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Group of people, companies or entities, regardless of their size, that use Cellnex’s services. Under Cellnex’s business model, all clients are B2B. |
Commercial network
Customer Service
Customer Engagement Survey
Connectivity days
Local, regional and international events and forums |
Ensuring a good quality of service, personalised assistance, reliability and coverage to meet expectations and maintain trust and long-term collaboration. |
Extending our commitment to the value chain |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Investors and shareholders
Person or entity that owns Cellnex shares and/or makes an investment in the Company. |
Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC)
ESG Committee
Country ESG leaders
Ethical channel
Integrated Annual Report
Materiality Analysis
Corporate website
Social networks
Cellnex Trends
Newsletter |
General Shareholder Meeting
Quarterly and annual results reports
Sustainability ratings
Investor relations (calls, meetings, roadshows, etc.) |
Commitment to transparency and traceability of financial and non-financial metrics. Maintaining the confidence of investors and shareholders by creating long-term value. |
Showing what we are, acting with integrity + Ensuring awareness of our responsible way of behaving |
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Professionals, regardless of their seniority, who work in each of the countries where Cellnex operates. |
Pulse survey
Holistic Performance Management
Internal communications
Volunteer programme |
Fulfilment of employee expectations through active listening, engagement and development of a corporate culture.
Ensuring respect for labour rights and freedom of collective association. Promoting empowerment and management of professional development. All this taking into account the commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. |
Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Society and local community
Group of people and entities that are part of the environment in which Cellnex operates and therefore receive its benefits and impacts. |
Cellnex Foundation
Conferences, events and forums
Cooperation with NGOs and local entities
Participation in collaboration and sponsorship projects |
Contribution to a better connected and socially-inclusive environment by reducing the digital, social and territorial GAP. Generating social impact and boosting the economy, facilitating sustainable and respectful relationships with the environment. |
Being a facilitator of social progress + Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach |
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Establishing partnerships with stakeholders enables Cellnex to fulfil its commitments to them and enhance its performance on ESG matters. Consequently, Cellnex engages actively in numerous organisations and associations across the countries where it operates. These collaborations serve to promote Cellnex's operations and business activities while establishing its position within the sector.
Associations |
DigitalES |
AED | Asociación Española Directivos |
CCIS | Cámara de Comercio Italiana |
CEDRO | Asociación derechos reprograficos |
UHD Spain |
Staying current with industry news and trends while sharing expertise and knowledge is vital for Cellnex to maintain its position as a leader in the European telecommunications sector. This commitment is behind Cellnex's membership of various foundations, active participation in forums and collaborations with universities and educational institutions.
Foundations |
Fundación Circulo de Tecnologías para la Defensa y la Seguridad |
Banco Alimentos Portugal |
i2CAT |
Cruz Vermelha portuguesa |
Fundación Seres |
Nuestros pequeños hermanos |
Banco alimentar contra a fam |
Fundación Circulo de Telecomunicaciones (Roberto Prieto) |
Refugees UK |
Fundación Gran Teatre del Liceu |
Het Oranje Fonds |
Ajuda de Mãe - Escola de mães |
Fundación Seres |
Fundació BEST |
Reading Family Aid Group |
Cork Penny Dinners |
Coatbridge Community Foodbank |
Cancer fund for children Ireland |
Fundación CEDE |
Sodalitas |
Make a wish |
Fundación Festival de Peralada |
Emmeline's Pantry |
Fundación Privada Cercle d'Infraestructures |
ViaData - against Cancer |
Fundació La Marató |
Community Foundation Ireland |
Age UK |
Fundación Privada Caja de Ingenieros |
Fundación Pere Tarrés |
Emmaus |
Universities and Educational Institutions |
Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives – Universitat de Barcelona |
ESADE becas alumnos |
BGSE - Escola Superior d'Economia de Barcelona |
Bristol University |
Cardiff University |
Universidad de Granada |
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona |
HRC International Academy Srl |
Cellnex took part in the 2023 Mobile World Congress, one of the major industry events. It presented its “Augmented Towerco” industrial model, which extends to sharing active equipment (RAN sharing) and assets adjacent to the tower.
Cellnex also presented specific instances demonstrating the implementation of neutral and shared infrastructures, alongside adjacent assets, to provide connectivity solutions to its clients. This collective effort is focused on advancing towards digitalisation and the gigabit society.
All this is centred on sustainability, made possible by the efficiency of the infrastructure sharing model and an emphasis on developing environmentally friendly sites. This is further achieved through an increasing reliance on renewable energy sources.
TowerXchange Cellnex, together with other key players in the tower industry, had the opportunity to discuss market opportunities, the changing dynamics of the infrastructure landscape and communication of Cellnex's strategic vision at the 2023 'ToweXChange Meetup Europe' event held in London.
Cellnex Denmark, represented by the Managing Director and the Head of Commercial, participated in the Copenhagen business summit between Spain and Denmark in November, organised by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, with the participation of his Majesty the King of Spain and his Majesty the Crown Prince of Denmark.
In October 2023, Cellnex France took part in the Union Sociale pour l'Habitat congress in Nantes, for the fourth consecutive year. The HLM Congress is an annual event that brings together decision-makers from low-income housing organisations to discuss the main directions and priorities for the social housing sector. This was an opportunity to speak with major landlords, customers, partners and political representatives.
In 2023, Cellnex Italy actively engaged in several noteworthy events, showcasing its commitment to sustainability, innovation and stakeholder engagement:
The engagement in the 5G GAIL project was comprehensive, starting with consultations in Udine and Amaro on 22-23 March 2023, bringing together local communities directly affected by the projects. The final event, a high-profile gathering on 11 July 2023 in Udine, convened a diverse array of stakeholders, including the European Commission, local authorities, vendors and mobile network operators (MNOs). Subsequently, a Workshop in Brussels on 10 October 2023 facilitated the presentation and dissemination of study results, strategically aligned with the workshop's overarching objectives.
A pinnacle achievement for Cellnex Italy was receiving the CEO for LIFE Award on 25 October 2023. This prestigious recognition celebrated the company's sustainable and innovative solutions, notably spotlighting TEZE— an advanced real-time monitoring system for mobile networks, specifically designed to ensure the operational status of emergency call services inside road and motorway tunnels.
Further contributing to the sustainability discourse, Cellnex Italy showcased its exemplary stakeholder engagement practices at the Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale held at Bocconi University in Milan on 4 October 2023. This event, a cornerstone in Italy focused on sustainability, provided a
platform to highlight Cellnex Italy's commitment to responsible business practices.
Lastly, on 9 November 2023, Cellnex Italy participated actively alongside Accredia and DNV under the banner of #ESG - Talking about the G Factor. This collaborative effort aimed to share insights into the company's sustainability governance model, contributing valuable perspectives to the discussion on the measurability of Governance with the EASI Model.
In summary, Cellnex Italy's multifaceted engagements underscore its strategic alignment with key industry themes and its unwavering commitment to sustainability, innovation, and meaningful stakeholder connections.
Cellnex Netherlands, on top of being represented at the Cellnex Telecom stand during the MWC23, also joined the Dutch Pavilion agenda to further connect with the Dutch Telecom ecosystem during the event. The Dutch Ambassador in Spain, Mr. Roel Nieuwenkamp, visited the stand.
The Dutch event Telecom Insights 2023 discussed the topic of "Next Generation Connectivity". Nuno Carvalhosa (recently appointed as Managing Director) was accompanied during the event by Tom Buskens (Commercial Director) and Yvette Meijer (Operations Director).
Additionally, the International Broadcasting Convention took place at RAI Amsterdam on 15-18 September. The Broadcasting division of Cellnex Netherlands were present with a stand sharing their portfolio of solutions.
Cellnex Netherlands was also invited by the Spanish Commercial Office in the Netherlands and ICEX to participate in the One Conference event that took place in The Hague on 3 and 4 October. The gathering, organised by the National Cyber Security Centre, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, and The Hague Municipal Authority, is Europe’s prime cybersecurity event.
Finally, CloudFest is the world's top internet infrastructure event, connecting the global cloud computing industry.
Cellnex Poland representatives participated in the two biggest public affairs events in Poland – the European Economic Congress in Katowice and the Economic Forum in Karpacz.
At the first event, the largest business conference in Central Europe, the President of the Board of Cellnex Poland talked about the benefits of sharing infrastructure which could be a response to the challenges in telecommunications. At the Karpacz Forum, Cellnex representatives participated in numerous conversations on sharing telecommunications infrastructure and securing connectivity in white spots.
In 2023, Cellnex Poland also published a report on connectivity in transportation, together with TOR Consultants think tank. After several months of a public affairs campaign, entailing meetings with the most important railway and roads infrastructure management stakeholders and interviews in the press, the main railway operator announced the tender procedure for the passive infrastructure suppliers that could help create GSM-R system. This event will be a first step towards securing seamless connectivity in railway in Poland.
Nuno Carvalhosa was interviewed in Jornal de Negócios by the journalist Silvia Abreu on 11 January, where he had the opportunity to discuss the results of operations and future perspectives for Cellnex:
“(…)In the coming 2 years, we will be focused on consolidating the very strong growth trajectory we have been on. All this has been achieved based on very committed customers, a great team and a group of highly professional and effective business partners.”
Additionally, the Managing Director of Cellnex Portugal at the time, Nuno Carvalhosa, participated in a panel on ESG topics, Negócios Sustentabilidade 2023, discussing the effects of the energy crisis on Cellnex's activity, how climate change is affecting Cellnex’s infrastructures in Portugal and Cellnex’s evaluation of mobile coverage in Portugal. Once again, he had the opportunity to present the benefits of Cellnex's pro-competitive and neutral model, based on maximising access and sharing its infrastructure, with the aim of boosting the climate transition.
Under the motto “Disruptions: The Great Digital Tech (R)Evolutions”, Nuno Carvalhosa also had the pleasure of being part of a panel focusing on telecommunication infrastructures, moderated by Carolina Freitas. In his intervention, Nuno Carvalhosa had the opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the infrastructure sector in the context of the very fast 5G adoption in Portugal and Cellnex's ambitious ESG agenda, and to demonstrate the benefits of Cellnex’s pro-competitive model, based on its wholesale, neutral and independent positioning.
Furthermore, the Managing Director of Cellnex Portugal, João Osório Mora, gave an interview for the APDC's magazine “Comunicações”, underlining the contribution of telecommunications infrastructure operators to support the development of 5G in Portugal.
In this article, he highlighted the rapid pace of adapting towers to provide them with 5G technology and meeting the implementation deadlines, all supported by the key contribution of the fantastic Cellnex team and professional Service Providers.
João Osório Mora also participated in Jornal Económico's 2023 "Who's Who in ICT in Portugal" yearbook, with a brief analysis of the ICT sector's prospects for the coming year, highlighting 5G, Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity and the ESG area as unavoidable trends in the national technological landscape.
In this context, it is important to note Cellnex's commitment to adapt its current infrastructures and build new infrastructures to enhance the modernisation of operators' networks with 5G equipment, as well as its commitment to develop state-of-the-art technological solutions to provide security, resilience, traceability and privacy for information systems in different environments for Smart Cities, Industry 4.0 or critical infrastructures.
Additionally, the ESG 2021-2025 strategic plan shows a clear vision of the path Cellnex intends to take to transform the societies in which it operates, contributing through its wholesale, neutral and independent positioning to an increased level of economic rationality and environmental protection.
In 2023, Cellnex Spain actively participated in key industry events, showcasing its commitment to innovation and collaboration. The following paragraphs are a snapshot of its most notable engagements:
Webinar Fan Experience:
Collaborating with its partner Synamedia, Cellnex Spain took part in a webinar focused on exploring the fan experience in stadiums. The Company presented its perspective, featuring a multi-camera solution and highlighting enhanced connectivity through DAS systems.
4K-HDR Summit in Malaga:
At the 4K-HDR Summit, held in Malaga, Cellnex provided insights into the broadcast innovation roadmap. This event served as a platform to update industry professionals on the latest developments in Ultra High Definition technology.
Telecom 5G Event:
The major players in the telecommunications sector gathered to reaffirm their strong commitment to 5G. This next-generation mobile connectivity is envisioned not only for urban areas but also for rural environments. With a focus on delivering the best possible service, these industry leaders came together to find common ground and enhance their services.
Telcom 2023 Fenitel:
At the invitation of the Spanish association of antenna installers, Fenitel, Cellnex took an active role in Telcom 2023. The Company's involvement included engaging in roundtable discussions and offering expertise on developments and challenges in the Spanish broadcast industry.
UHD Spain Demonstration:
Cellnex contributed to a UHD Spain demonstration showcasing the capabilities of 5G for UHD productions. This collaborative event, involving over 25 companies, tested the use of 5G across the entire signal workflow, from contributions through the 5G Stand Alone network to cloud production and distribution using 5G Broadcasting.
MWC Collaboration with COIT:
Cellnex inked a new agreement with COIT (College of Telecommunications Engineers), formally solidifying their collaboration. This partnership involves project approvals, technical training and sponsorships for national events such as the Engineer of the Year Award and Pioneers Award, along with regional events like the Telecommunications Nights across Spain.
These engagements underscore Cellnex Spain's dedication to industry leadership, technological advancements and fostering meaningful partnerships within the telecommunications landscape.
“By contributing to the Fulltäckning project, Cellnex has supported the deployment of mobile services into rural and commercially challenging areas. Our model of providing cost efficient infrastructure will help providing connectivity to parts of the country that otherwise would be at risk of not having this service"
Staffan Lindback
Country Manager Director - Cellnex Sweden
Cellnex Sweden, in line with the company’s goals, has engaged in an active dialogue with telecom authorities and other players in the sector to create better conditions for providers of infrastructure and mobile services. The company has participated in the #Fulltäckning project, with the purpose of establishing a model for deploying mobile services in rural areas. Cellnex Sweden has also participated in forums sponsored by the telecom authorities to enhance 5G deployment in Sweden.
In the dynamic landscape of 2023, Cellnex Switzerland played a pivotal role as a partner in three prominent Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut)events, contributing its expertise to discussions that delved into the future of technology and connectivity.
The journey began at the IoT Conference, themed "IoT - Gamechanger for a sustainable Switzerland," where Cellnex Switzerland shared insights into the transformative potential of IoT in shaping a sustainable future.
Next on the agenda was the Swiss Telecommunication Summit, centred around the theme of "Resilience in a connected world." At this event, Cellnex Switzerland actively engaged in discussions and deliberations on bolstering resilience in an increasingly interconnected global landscape.
The culmination of these impactful participations took place at the DACH Mobility Conference, specifically the asut Colloquium/Symposium ASTRA, its-ch, and TCS, with the topic "Networks in Mobility - How does connectivity work?" Here, Cellnex Switzerland brought its valuable perspectives to the forefront, contributing to the discourse on the intricate workings of connectivity in the realm of mobility.
In summary, Cellnex Switzerland's involvement in these asut events exemplifies its commitment to driving conversations and innovations that are integral to the evolving landscape of technology and connectivity in Switzerland and beyond.
Cellnex UK attended multiple events in 2023, including the key industry events TowerXChange, MWC and Connected Britain. The Commercial teams attended trade events for target customer industries such as PropTech connect, at which Colin Eddison from In-Building team hosted multiple sessions.
Cellnex UK also supported the Private Networks pipeline with the 'Edge on Wheels' campaign - a private network in a van that travelled to several target-industry events providing an interactive demonstration of the capabilities of private networks.
In February 2023, Cellnex was awarded the COITT 2023 Awards for Business Development and Initiative.
Cellnex Poland achieved recognition in the Polish ESG ranking, "CSR Leaves," organised by POLITYKA weekly magazine, Deloitte, and the Responsible Business Forum. The initiative highlights companies leading in sustainable development in the country. Cellnex Poland was honoured with the White Leaf, based on evaluations derived from a survey aligned with ISO 26000, ESRS standards and current ESG trends. Notably, for the second consecutive year, Cellnex Poland was among the 19 companies awarded the Green Leaf for outstanding efforts toward climate neutrality.
The 5G Catalonia project, led by Cellnex and the MASMOVIL Group, received the GSMA Foundry Excellence Award 2023 at the Mobile World Congress. Launched in 2020, the project has successfully executed seven use cases showcasing the practicality of 5G technology. These cases span various domains, including urban mobility, education, remote shopping, industrial applications, audiovisual transmission, urban security, emergency management and connectivity in high-occupancy seasonal areas like coastal beaches. The project's overarching goal is to develop innovative 5G solutions in education, industry and mobility for the benefit of the community, public administrations, and the private sector. This prestigious award recognizes the project's major contributions to advancing technological solutions for societal and business applications.
Cellnex Telecom received the Oracle Spain Planning Award on 3 October for its dynamic financial model aligned with the company's growth. The project, led by FP&A Director Mercè Castells Porta, seamlessly integrates reporting, planning and data consolidation across 12 European countries using Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). Ramon Macia, Global Head of Finance, accepted the award, emphasising the project's progress since 2017 and its success in overcoming complex challenges. This recognition underscores Cellnex's leadership in developing adaptive financial models for a growing multinational organisation.
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