Integrated Annual Report

1.3 Our commitment

Sustainability is a fundamental pillar of the company, and it is embedded in the company’s business model, which focuses on the shared management of telecommunications infrastructures.

Cellnex's strategy is based on the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy and is formalised through the ESG Master Plan (2021-2025), which it is measures and manages the impacts generated on society and the environment in an efficient and responsible manner.

ESG Governance

The Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC) is the body responsible to monitor the ESG strategy at Cellnex and has the accountability to report to the Board of Directors (BoD). ESG topics were discussed in 100% of the meetings held by the NRSC in 2022 and in 11 out of 22 meetings1 held by the BoD in 2022 (50%)

Moreover, an executive ESG Committee was created for the development of these functions. The Committee is chaired by the Corporate and Public Affairs area and is composed of various departments related to ESG topics, such as People, Operations, Corporate Governance, Sustainability, Investor Relations and Procurement.

During 2022, the The ESG Committee met three times (same than in 2021).

ESG oversight
Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC)

Governance body in charge of oversight ESG and related topics, reporting to the Board of Directors. A list of its main responsibility functions are:

  • Supervise and evaluate the relationship processes with our stakeholders
  • Oversight that Cellnex’s environmental and social practices are aligned with the company ESG strategy and policies
  • Evaluate and periodically review the corporate governance system and the Company’s environmental and social policy to ensure that they fulfil their mission of promoting the corporate interest and take into account, as appropriate, the legitimate interests of other stakeholders
  • Review and accountability on the Integrated Annual Report and ESG Master Plan development
  • Advise on the strategy regarding contributions to the Cellnex Foundation and adapt them to compliance with the ESG programmes adopted by Cellnex
ESG Committee

Day-to-day management of ESG functional teams. Its main functions can be found the following:

  • Assess, promote and guide the Group's actions in ESG matters
  • Ensure compliance with the ESG Policy
  • Involve every Cellnex Corporate Area & BUs in the implementation of the ESG strategy and Master Plan.
  • Anticipate potential risks associated with changes in the ESG regulatory framework.

ESG Leaders Meeting 2022

To disseminate the ESG strategy, in 2022 was created an online community to create synergies and improve the relationships between all the Cellnex group ESG country leaders.

This team is composed by the main responsible people of ESG at each country and  meets quarterly to follow up on ESG issues like:

  • Coordination of the reporting process
  • Keeping up to date with ESG trends and projects
  • Sharing knowledge and experiences
  • Monitoring of the ESG Master Plan
From 2023 all employees will integrate ESG-linked remuneration within its group and/or country targets

ESG Policy

In March 2021 Cellnex approved its ESG Policy, which establishes the basic guidelines and lines of action regarding Cellnex’s ESG strategy which allow the formalisation and implementation of the concept of ESG within the framework of the organisation, its communication thereof to stakeholders and the progressive systematisation in all systems and operational processes of the Cellnex Group.

ESG essentials training launched for all the employees in 2022 with the aim that 80% of the Cellnex Group employees have knowledge of sustainability

The ESG Policy, therefore, constitutes the minimum requirements in terms of ESG-related matters to be met by all companies that operate under the umbrella of Cellnex Group, and the managing director of each company of Cellnex Group must ensure that internal regulations are developed and/or adapted in line with this policy and with any applicable legal regulations.

Within the ESG Policy, Cellnex recognises three basic principles:

  • Human Rights: The protection of and respect for universally recognised fundamental Human Rights, within the Cellnex Group's sphere of influence, and non-complicity in the infringement thereof, as well as redressing the damages arising in the case of infringement.
  • Stakeholders: The identification of the organisation's stakeholders, taking into consideration the entire value chain of the activity, the development of communications and participation channels and their direct and indirect involvement in the identification of material aspects and the assessment of the performance.
  • Environment and climate change: The protection and preservation of the environment and the biodiversity, in which the Company activities are carried out, using renewable energies, mitigating of and adapting to climate change, and contributing to sustainable development through an efficient use of resources.

Cellnex value creation model, based on the ESG Policy, is materialized through its 2021-2025 ESG Master Plan that sets out the roadmap to be followed. By establishing objectives and commitments, Cellnex aspire to continue improving its sustainability performance while extending its commitment throughout its value chain and stakeholders.

ESG training and awareness

During 2022 all Cellnex employees have been involved in different initiatives to create a positive impact on society. Aligned with the core values of the company there have been taken place some initiatives to integrate sustainability at the core business as well as in everyday life:

From 2023 all employees will integrate ESG-linked remuneration within its group and/or country targets
  • "ESG essentials" training course was launched for all employees. This online programme includes the basics to discover sustainability and how it is integrated into the Cellnex Strategy.
  • During 2021-2022 the Board of Directors and Senior Management received an ad hoc training course on ESG designed by IESE.
  • Promote annual awareness initiatives, both internal and external, to disseminate knowledge about sustainability and ESG within the organisation, such as: participation in roundtables, events and conferences among others.
  • In 2023 all employees will integrate ESG-linked remuneration within its group and/or country targets as part of the Holistic Performance Management Model (HPM).

Cellnex Italy has been awarded for its commitment to sustainability

For the third consecutive year, Cellnex Italia has been included by Forbes Italia among the 100 Sustainability Champions. Cellnex Italia has been the first to obtain the PdR125 certification in Parità Di Genere (Gender Equality) as well as the EASI in Governance for Sustainability, as well as its ability to involve all stakeholders in ESG issues. This reinforces Cellnex's conviction that sustainable development is a strategic priority for the company and an integral practice of its work model.

"Double materiality provides us with an interconnected view of the company's impacts on society and the environment, as well as the financial impacts on Cellnex's value. Identifying and focusing on the main key ESG topics enables us to manage risks and opportunities appropriately".

Andrea Suárez, Senior ESG Analyst - Cellnex Corporate

Double materiality analysis

For a few years there has been an increase in the demands and requirements in terms of sustainability framed by the new business environment, where the integrated management of both the sustainability and the business is essential for the companies. In this context, the identification of a company's material issues in relation to ESG topics is essential to meet the requirements of its stakeholders.

In this sense, since the introduction of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and  its review through the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as well as the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) sustainability reporting standards, there is an accelerated movement towards the double materiality concept, which entails analyzing the organization's impact on the environment and society (impact materiality) and the impact of ESG topics on the organization's value creation (financial materiality).

In 2022 Cellnex has carried out a double materiality analysis, where 29 predefined Specific ESG Topics were identified for the Cellnex Group based on the Group's 2020 materiality matrix, and the requirements of the NFRD, CSRD and EFRAG’s standards. These 29 predefined Specific ESG Topics were analysed taken into account the impact materiality and the financial materiality. Then, these Specific ESG Topics represent the main impacts generated by Cellnex.

9 top material topics and 4 medium material topics were obtained as a result of the double materiality analysis carried out in 2022
ESG Topics ESG Specific Topics Definition
Environment Environmental management


Environmental strategy and positioning

Certifications, policies, procedures and environmental reporting.


Water management

Actions aimed at water management, efficiency and reduction, and water supply according to local limitations.


Climate change

GHG emissions inventory, verification of the carbon footprint, compensation of emissions, actions aimed at achieving the objectives of the SBT, internal price of carbon and net-zero strategy.


Energy management

Energy efficiency measures, reduction of energy consumption, purchase of green energy and energy self-generation.


Circular economy

Life cycle analysis, guide for the construction of towers, use of sustainable materials, sustainable waste management.


Biodiversity and land use

Compliance with biodiversity legislation, contribution of natural capital, actions to improve Cellnex's impact on biodiversity and land management.


Infrastructures environmental impact

Management of the visual impact of telecommunication towers.

Social People


Employee engagement

Engagement and belonging to a common Cellnex Culture.


Equity, diversity and inclusion

Equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


Leadership and development

Leadership model and career development.


Talent management

Talent attraction and retention, including compensation and benefits.


Well-being, health and safety

Promotion and protection of the well-being in the workplace. Health and safety measures for internal and external employees and contractors.

Social impact


Local communities

Partnership and dialogue with the local communities and management of the relationship with landlords and owners of roof terraces. Includes local stakeholder groups such as communities, authorities, media, associations and NGOs.


Access to communications

Promote a better connected and digitally inclusive society and promote Cellnex innovation as a lever for change in ESG topics.


Human Rights

Commitment and enforcement of Human Rights.


Electromagnetic fields

Mitigation and control of electromagnetic emissions, impact on the society including social awareness.

Value Chain


Sustainable supply chain strategy

Inclusion of ESG topics in the procurement process, selection, evaluation and homologation of suppliers and ESG supplier audits and follow-up.


Supplier engagement

Supplier relationship, training and awareness on ESG topics.


Cybersecurity and privacy of the information

Cybersecurity and privacy of the information.


Customer relationship and satisfaction

Customer relationship management and satisfaction, including customer training and awareness on ESG topics.

Governance Business model, activity and strategy


Network expansion

Network expansion, considering both organic and inorganic growth and M&A transactions.


Sustainable business

Products and services with a social and environmental impact and Sustainable-linked financing (finance mechanisms based on sustainability criteria, linking its conditions to the fulfilment of targets in ESG matters).



Innovation and development of products and services. Includes product and process innovation as well as open innovation.


Integration and deployment of the Industrial Model

Integration and deployment of the Industrial Model.


Risks and opportunities

Risk and opportunities management strategy.


Business continuity

Continuity of business processes and operations, assuring the availability of systems, facilities, people, and suppliers involved.


Quality and Management Systems

Certifications, quality of the services provided, processes effectiveness, procedures and continuous improvement.

Governance model and compliance


Good governance

Diversity, experience and skills of the governance bodies.


Ethics and compliance

Promotion of a solid culture of compliance, ethics and integrity. Including corruption, bravery and money laundering.

For the financial materiality, the sustainability issues that affect the value, development and positioning of the entity, involving the risks and opportunities generated by the environment for the entity were identified. This was done based on a:

  • Telecom Peers benchmark, to identify the best practices in the telecom sector from the financial point of view.
  • ESG and Sectorial prescribers benchmark, were a consultation of public information on reference prescribers was performed.
  • Questionnaires and interviews to the Board of Directors and Shareholders, as well as Cellnex personnel (including Senior management).

For the impact materiality, the sustainability issues that are material in terms of the impacts and opportunities generated by the entity's own operations and its value chain in the environment where they operate were identified. For the assessment the following inputs were considered:

  • Telecom Peers benchmark, to identify the best practices in the telecom sector from the ESG point of view.
  • Benchmarking analysis of the public and internal documentation available from Cellnex.
  • Questionnaires and interviews to Cellnex personnel, Clients, and Suppliers.

Based on these inputs, the double materiality matrix was obtained. In this sense, to identify the specific topics that are a priority for Cellnex, those topics that are relevant from the point of view of the impact materiality, as well as those that are relevant from the point of view of financial materiality, have been taken into account.

As there is no standardized and universally accepted methodology to define the cut-off in the Financial materiality and the Impact materiality in order to identify the material topics that are more relevant of each materiality, the cut-off has been set based on professional judgment reviewing the distribution of material issues.

In this sense, the maximum and the minimum scores have been identified and the average between them has been calculated. This has resulted in setting the cut-offs at 15% of the maximum. Resulting in a Financial Materiality cut-off of 60.5% and an Impact Materiality cut-off of 77.6%.

Based on the results, two levels of priority have been established: Top material ESG topics, and Medium material ESG topics.

Top material ESG topics

Top material: are those specific material topics that exceed the cut-off of the impact materiality and the cut-off of the financial materiality.

Environmental management


Environmental strategy and positioning


Climate change


Energy management



Equity, diversity and inclusion


Well-being, health and safety

Value Chain


Sustainable supply chain strategy

Governance model and compliance


Good governance


Ethics and compliance

Medium material ESG topics

Medium material: these are those specific material issues that exceed the cut-off of impact materiality or financial materiality.

Social impact


Access to communications


Human Rights

Value Chain


Cybersecurity and privacy of the information

Business model, activity and strategy


Network expansion

The double materiality analysis was validated by the Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC) and presented to the executive ESG Committee. The management of each of the impact generated by Cellnex is explained thought the present Consolidate Management report, were in Annex 4. GRI Content Index, the correlations of the chapters and the management of each of the impact generated by Cellnex is explained.

ESG Master Plan

Cellnex’s ESG Policy is materialised through the 2021-2025 ESG Master Plan, as it that sets out the roadmap to be followed. The ESG Master Plan 2021-2025 is a 5-year plan that is based on 5 strategic axes with 16 strategic lines each and a transversal strategic axe related to communication, awareness and training actions. The Plan is applicable in all Cellnex geographies where all Cellnex corporate areas are involved, demonstrating the relevance of ESG within the company.

The 2021-2025 ESG master plan was defined taking as input the materiality analysis carried out in 2020, as well as the identification of the SDGs that are a priority for the company, a study that was also carried out in 2020. In this regard, based on the update of Cellnex's materiality following the double materiality approach that has been carried out in 2022 and the consequent update of the priority SDGs for the company that will be carried out in 2023, the ESG Master Plan is currently under review for the period 2023-2025.

The Master Plan integrates ethical and good governance, social and environmental initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in accordance with international standards, as well as the latest trends in sustainability with commitments and objectives in accordance with the expectations of all Cellnex stakeholders. Cellnex integrates ESG aspects into its strategy, measuring and managing the impacts generated on society and the surrounding area in an efficient and responsible manner.

From the Social point of view, the company boosts its talent by being diverse and inclusive, with different programs to promote this culture. Cellnex is also committed to contributing to society by providing knowledge and technology, collaborating with charities, financing projects, and acting through volunteering. All these values are embedded into the Company’s culture and its employees.

Cellnex is aware of the new risks and demands arising as a result of the environmental and social phenomena that dominate the international context. The greater awareness of those aspects beyond the purely economic ones, as well as the great challenges faced by organizations such as Cellnex (greater transparency, shareholder involvement, climate change, risks in the value chain, circular economy, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), …) have led the company in recent years to bolster its commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.

A correlation between the updated 2022 materiality matrix, the ESG Master Plan, the GRI reporting standards (2021 version) and applicable non-financial reporting requirements (Spain Law 11/2018 on non-financial information and diversity) is presented as follows.

Materiality matrix

ESG Master

Plan 2021-2025


ESG main topics


specific topics

Strategic axes


Law 11/2018

Company business model

Economic management and performance

Showing what we are, acting with integrity

2: The organization and its reporting practices

201: Economic Performance

202: Market Presence

203: Indirect Economic Impacts

207: Tax

419: Socioeconomic Compliance

Business Model

Tax Information

Risks and opportunities management (business, ESG risks, etc.)

Showing what we are, acting with integrity

2: Strategy, policies and practices


Governance model and Compliance

Corporate Governance

Showing what we are, acting with integrity

Ensuring the awareness of our responsible way of doing

2.  Governance

Competitive Behavior

Ethics and Human Rights

Showing what we are, acting with integrity

Ensuring the awareness of our responsible way of doing

2: Strategy, policies and practices

205: Anti-corruption

406: Non-discrimination

408: Child Labor

409: Forced or Compulsory Labor

412: Human Rights Assessment

414: Supplier Social Assessment

People management

Corporate Culture

Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

2: Activities and workers

401: Employment

405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity


Work organisation

Social relations



Equity, diversity and inclusion

Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity

406: Non-discrimination




Talent attraction and retention

Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

401: Employment

404: Training and Education


Work organisation


Training and development

Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

404: Training and Education


Health and Safety

Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

402: Labor/Management Relations

403: Occupational Health and Safety

407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Health and safety

Commitment to innovation

Boosting the digitalisation of society

Being a facilitator of social progress

413: Local Communities

Commitments of the company to sustainable development

Contribution to society

Social contribution

Being a facilitator of social progress

204: Procurement Practices

413: Local Communities

Commitments of the company to sustainable development

Mitigation of infrastructures’ impacts

Being a facilitator of social progress

203: Indirect Economic Impacts

413: Local Communities

416: Customer Health Safety

Commitments of the company to sustainable development

Sustainability and environment

Environmental and climate risks and impacts management

Growing with a

long-term sustainable environmental approach

102: Strategy

302: Energy

304: Biodiversity

305: Emissions

307: Environmental Compliance

308: Supplier Environmental Assessment

Environmental Footprint of Operations

Product End-of life Management

Climate change and carbon footprint strategy

Growing with a

long-term sustainable environmental approach

302: Energy

305: Emissions

Sustainable use of resources

Growing with a

long-term sustainable environmental approach

302: Energy

Customers management

Privacy and security of information

Extending our commitment to the value chain

2: Stakeholder engagement

417: Marketing and Labeling

418: Customer Privacy

Data Privacy

Data Security

Manage systemic risks from technology disruptions

Within the ESG Master Plan 2021-2025 Cellnex has identified its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and related targets based on its main priorities, risk and opportunities.

As part of its commitment to transparency and accountability of ESG in the following table it is disclosed the follow-up of these KPIs and  targets defined in each of the dimensions.

The great majority of the targets for 2022 have been successfully achieved and on the right track to meet short-term objectives.

Cellnex is currently working on the hiring KPIs which are slightly behind its expectations for 2022. On the one hand, through the Employer Branding Strategy it is being rolled out an action plan to have better access to talent, and in particular to diverse talent.

On the other hand, and as part of the active listening culture, the company is working on specific action plans arising from the results of the pulse survey.

Further information on each of the initiatives is disclosed in the specific chapters of the Integrated Annual Report.

Follow-up of the ESG Master Plan


 Target year


FY22 Achievement


Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach

Sourcing of renewable electricity (SBT)3

2022 / 2025

70% / 100%


Reduction of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel and energy-related activities (SBT)




Reduction of absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods (SBT)




Carbon Neutral - Reduction of the carbon footprint (scope 1, 2 and 3)





Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

Women in management positions(*)

2022 / 2025

26% / 30%


Hires of women(*)

2022 / 2025

45% / 50%


Hires of young talent(*)

2022 / 2025

30% / 30%


Appointments of international Directors at Cellnex HQ

2022 / 2025

45% / 60%


Appointments of international employees at Cellnex HQ

2022 / 2025

20% / 40%


Career advancement for women(*)

2022 / 2025

33% / 40%


Employee engagement

2022 / 2025

≥75% / ≥80%


Employees responding to the pulse survey

2022 / 2025



Inclusive leadership positive scores on the employee pulse survey

2022 / 2025

≥75% / ≥80%


Extending our commitment to the value chain

Critical suppliers homologated considering ESG criteria




Critical suppliers audited



Work in progress

Ensuring the awareness of our responsible way of doing

Cellnex Group employee outreach with ESG awareness initiatives




Cellnex Group management team participating in the ESG awareness sessions




Cellnex Group employees attending the ESG annual training





Showing what we are, acting with integrity

Women directors




Non-executive directors




Independent directors




Directors with ESG capabilities and expertise




Nationalities in the Board of Directors





2 KPIs reported on an annual basis (Q4). Compared to the base year FY20 verified by an external certified entity.

3 The electricity target (Scope 2) refers to the energy directly managed by Cellnex. Data calculated according to SBT and GHG Protocol methodology applied to the financial perimeter. Intake due to M&A will be included not longer than 3 years after the integration’s year according to FY20 perimeter.

4 For social KPIs marked with (*) it is applicable the following: According to FY20 perimeter, excluding Edzcom. Intake due to M&A will be included after 3 years after the integration’s year.

In 2022, the second year of application of the ESG Master Plan, the performance has been 100% progress in planning and 93% progress in implementation.

of progress in actions planing
of progress in actions implementation

Actions by strategic axe

Number of actions  carried out in 2022

Planning status

Implementation status

Showing what we are, acting with integrity




Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclus




Being a facilitator of social progress




Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach




Extending our commitment to the value chain




Ensuring the awareness of our responsible way of doing




Cellnex's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were defined as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in order to establish the opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path to improve the lives of everyone, leaving no one behind.

Cellnex wants to contribute to achieving the objectives set, which is why Cellnex is committed to the SDGs.

In this regard, in 2020 Cellnex carried out a study to identify to which SDGs the company contributed the most based on its activity.

For this identification, information of a different nature (economic, social, environmental, etc.) was collected from the countries where Cellnex was located at that time and based on financial modelling, the relevance of each SDG and its targets were defined.

Based on the analysis, two types of SDGs were identified in regard to their relevance for Cellnex:

  • SDGs of high importance: defined as those in which the contribution of Cellnex's activity is greater. Those resulted in SDGs 4, 5, 8, 9, and 13.
  • SDGs of medium importance: defined as those SDGs that are important for Cellnex but in which the contribution to their achievement is relatively less than in the SDGs of high importance. These identified were SDGs 1, 10, 15 and 17.

In 2022 Cellnex has updated its materiality matrix based on the double materiality approach. With this update, and taking into account the increase in the scope of the countries that now make up the company, during the first half of 2023 the priority SDGs for the company will be redefined.

The identification of the SDGs, as well as the materiality study carried out in 2020, served as the starting point for the preparation of Cellnex's ESG Master Plan 2021-2025.

Therefore, the ESG Master Plan was designed so that Cellnex can carry out actions that allow the Company to increase its contribution to the SDGs in a period of 5 years. In this sense, a correlation between the lines of action of the ESG Master Plan and the SDGs and their specific target to which they respond is provided as follows.

Line of action




Showing what we are, acting with integrity

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all




Reduce inequality within and among countries




Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development finance





Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all




Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls






Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all





Reduce inequality within and among countries




Being a facilitator of social progress

End poverty in all its forms everywhere


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all






Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation




Reduce inequality within and among countries


Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development finance



Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach

Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation



Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts




Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss




Extending our commitment to the value chain

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all




Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development finance





The actions carried out in 2022 that have contributed to the main Sustainable Development Goals are presented below.

Moreover, as an expression of its commitment to include the corporate social responsibility into its operational strategy and organisational culture Cellnex is a participant of the United Nations Global Compact since November 2015. In this regard, annually Cellnex publishes its Communication of Progress on the Global Compact website and it is commited to the corporate responsibility initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption”.


"2022 has been highlighted by the launch of the new multi-country webpage on which we have been working for the last two years in conjunction with all areas of the company, from the strategic concept to the look & feel, including the organisation and usability of the content adapted to each and every one of our stakeholders. It has been a large-scale project that has also helped us to boost the Group's main digital channel".

Cristina Ungo de Velasco, Senior Communications Analyst - Cellnex Corporate

Stakeholders are those actors that are directly or indirectly affected by the development of Cellnex's business activity, and therefore also have the ability to directly or indirectly affect Cellnex development. That is why engaging with them is essential for Cellnex.

Cellnex has identified seven stakeholders that are a priority for the Company, and those are: Suppliers, Media, Public administration and Associations, Customers, Investors and Shareholders, Employees, Society and Local community. For each stakeholder, specific communication tools have been established so that Cellnex can interact and engage with them. In addition, Cellnex has also common channels to communicate with all stakeholders, such as Cellnex’s website, press releases, etc.

Furthermore, Cellnex is committed to each of the identified stakeholders by taking them into account during the development of the ESG Master Plan, as each stakeholder is included in one or more strategic axe within the Plan. Moreover, for the periodic update of the materiality analysis, Cellnex consults each of its stakeholders, which makes it possible to obtain their feedback on the issues that they identify as relevant to Cellnex as well as their expectations and needs from the Company.

Cellnex has a new website

In 2022 Cellnex updated its corporate website, focusing on publicizing the solutions and technologies offered by the company and that facilitate the connectivity of people and territories. Thus, to facilitate navigation, the information has been distributed by sectors and products and use cases have been added to better understand connectivity solutions. A service and product search engine has also been created that facilitates the search for information in just a few steps.

In addition, the new portal, multi-country, multi-language and multi-device, thus giving visibility to the 12 countries in which Cellnex operates. The portal also improves transparency and access to information linked to the Group's ESG policies, as well as Corporate Governance and information to shareholders, where the company will publish all the information related to the social and environmental impact of its activity. as well as issues relating to its governance. The new Talent section also stands out, from where it will be possible to find out about the professional opportunities offered by the company.

Cellnex's commitment and relationship map with its stakeholders is shown bellow:


Communication tools and relationship with Stakeholders

Cellnex commitments

ESG Master Plan Strategic axis






Group of companies, regardless of their size, that supply goods and/or provide services to Cellnex

ESG Committee


Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC)


Ethical channel


Integrated Annual Report


Materiality Analysis


Corporate website


Social networks


Cellnex Trends



Ariba Tool (Supplier portal)


Supplier Code of Conduct


Ecovadis (Supplier evaluation)


CDP Supply chain


Confidential complaints channel

Create long-term relationships with suppliers based on communication and transparency, always seeking growth and continuous improvement.

Involve suppliers in Cellnex’s corporate values and policies (for example, in matters of human and labor rights protection, and respect for the environment and sustainable management of resources).

Extending our commitment to the value chain



Channels and internal or external instruments to inform and communicate information regarding Cellnex. It includes press, communication, brand and advertising agencies, as well as Cellnex’s website and social networks.

Press releases


Online press room


Relationship with the media


Participation in forums and events

Guarantee the dissemination of truthful and transparent information on different platforms to ensure access to information by all interested parties.

Content creation through collaboration agreements with other entities.

Communication of regulated information through the National Securities and Markets Commission (CNMV).

Showing what we are, acting with integrity + Ensuring the awareness of  our responsible way of doing

Public administration and associations


Public entities that regulate Cellnex’s activity. It includes European, national, regional and local administrations, regulators, industrial associations, technology platforms, universities and training centres.

Participation in associations


Interaction with Public Administrations


Collaboration agreements

Guarantee compliance with the regulations that affect Cellnex.

Contribution to the socio-economic development of the countries in which Cellnex operates through collaboration for the development of an inclusive and sustainable economy. Building alliances for development and global well-being

Showing what we are, acting with integrity + Being a facilitator of social progress



Group of people, companies or entities, regardless of their size, that use Cellnex’s services. Under Cellnex’s business model, all clients are B2B.

Commercial network


Customer Service


Customer Engagement Survey


Connectivity days


Local, regional, international events and forums

Guarantee a good quality of service, personalized assistance, reliability and coverage to meet expectations and maintain trust and long-term collaboration.

Extending our commitment to the value chain

Investors and shareholders


Person or entity that owns Cellnex shares and / or makes an investment in the Company.

Nominations, Remunerations and Sustainability Committee (NRSC)


ESG Committee


Country ESG leaders


Ethical channel


Integrated Annual Report


Materiality Analysis


Corporate website


Social networks


Cellnex Trends



General Shareholder Meeting


Quarterly and annual results reports


Sustainability ratings




Investors relations (calls, meetings, roadshows, etc.)

Commitment to transparency and traceability of financial and non-financial metrics.

Maintain the confidence of investors and shareholders, by creating long-term value.

Showing what we are, acting with integrity + Ensuring the awareness of  our responsible way of doing



Professionals, regardless of their seniority, who carry out a job in each of the countries where Cellnex operates.



Pulse survey


Holistic Performance Management




Internal communications


Volunteer program

Fulfillment of employee expectations through active listening, engagement and development of a corporate culture. Guaranteeing respect for labour rights and freedom of collective association. Promote empowerment and management of professional development. All of this taking into account the commitment to Equity, Diversity and Equality.

Boosting our talent, being diverse and inclusive

Society and local community


Group of people and entities that are part of the environment in which Cellnex operates and therefore receive its benefits and impacts.

Cellnex Foundation


Conferences, events and forums


Cooperation with NGOs and local entities


Participation in collaboration and sponsorship projects

Contribution to a better connected and socially inclusive environment by reducing the digital, social and territorial GAP. Generation of social impact and dynamization of the economy, facilitating sustainable and respectful environments with the environment.

Being a facilitator of social progress + Growing with a long-term sustainable environmental approach


The establishment of partnerships with its stakeholders allows Cellnex to achieve its commitments with them as well as to improve on ESG topics. In this regard, Cellnex actively participates in various organizations and associations in each of the countries in which the Company operates. Through these partnerships, Cellnex makes its activity and business known, as well as positions itself within the sector.

Committed to sustainability

In early 2022 Cellnex joined Forética, the leading organization in sustainability and corporate social responsibility in Spain. Its mission is to integrate social, environmental and good governance aspects into the strategy and management of companies and organizations. Cellnex is one of the participant members in the Climate Change Cluster and Cluster of Transparency, Good Governance and Integrity.




UER/EBU (European Broadcasting Union)

Instituto Auditores Internos

Eureka Itea 3

DVB (Digital Video Broadcaster)

Asociación Emisores Españoles

5G UK Board

TCCA (antes Tetra MOU association) 

Asociación Española para la Calidad (AEC)

Tech UK


Asociación Española para las Relaciones con Inversores (AERI)

Iberian Nanotechnology Lab (INL Vigo)

FENITEL (Federación de Instaladores)

Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección (APD)

Mobile World Capital

Broadcast Network Europe

Cámara de Comercio e Industria Italiana para España (CCIS)


EWIA (European Wireless Infrastructure Association)

Confederación Empresarial de usuarios de seguridad y servicios (CEUSS)


EIF (European Internet Forum)

Cámara de Comercio de Francia en Cataluña (CCI)

Centro Tecnológico Gradiant

HbbTV Association

AIOTI (Alliance for Internet of Things)


Asociación empresarios y directivos Aragón



ETSI European Telecommunications Standard Institute

Instituto de Oficiales de Cumplimiento (IOC)

Associação Filarmónica Apoio Sociedade Recriativa Artística da Amadora

European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC)

Cámara Comercio de España

Associazione Centro ELIS

SmartCat Challenge



IoT Catalan Alliance

SCF (Small Cell Forum)


Clúster audiovisual de Catalunya

Foment del Treball

Camera di Commercio di Spagna in Italia

Cátedra RTVE

Centro de Innovación Tecnologica de Logistica y Transporte (CITET)

A CrescerSer  (Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social de âmbito nacional)

Global Compact

As Nacional de Operadores (AOETEC)

Donatie Ouderenfonds 2022


As Valenciana de Ingenieros

Procurement & Cost Management

CCIES (Cámara de Concesionarios)

As Valenciana de Empresarios

FIRE - Federazione Italiana Uso Razionale Dell'energia

Barcelona Global

Associació Catalana de Radio

Innovate UK

Comité Español de la LECE (UE)


Celtic Next Cluster

Union International Telecomunications (UIT/ITU)



DIRCOM (Directores de Comunicación)

Cámara Comercio Reino Unido

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

Cluster de la Industria - CIAC

Cámara Comercio Francia

UHD spain

Asociación Empresarial de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat (AEBALL)

Enterprise Ireland

Duchenne Heroes


IDA Ireland

Ellis Italia

Forum, events, and participation in working groups

For Cellnex, being up to date with all the news and trends in the sector, sharing knowledge and experience is very important to remain the European leader in telecommunications sector. That is why Cellnex is a member of several Foundations, and participates in forums and collaborates with Universities and training centres.





Fundación Circulo de Tecnologías para la Defensa y la Seguridad

Banco Alimentos Portugal


Lega Italiana Contro l'Epilessia

Casa dos Rapazes

Fundación Seres

Onlus Race for the Cure

Terra dos Sonhos

Fundación Circulo de Telecomunicaciones (Roberto Prieto) 

Associazione Peter Pan

Fundación Gran Teatre del Liceu

Het Oranje Fonds

Ajuda de Mãe - Escola de mães

Fundación NPH Spain

Fundació BEST

Medicos sin Frontera


Fundación Hermes

Children Cancer-free Foundation

Cruz Roja

Fundación CEDE


Cáritas Diocesana Madrid

Fundación Festival de Peralada

Brain Fundation

Cáritas Catalunya

Fundación LEITAT

ViaData - against Cancer

FESBAL (Federación Española Bancos Alimentos)

Community Foundation Ireland

Planting Trees

Banco de Alimentos de Madrid

Fundación Pere Tarrés


Fundació Oncolliga

Fundació Clínic per la Recerca Biomédica

UK Community Foundations

Save the Children España

Fundació La Marató

Médecins Sans Frontières


Fundación Privada Caja de Ingenieros

Cancer fund for children Ireland

National Ouderen Fonds

Fundación Privada Cercle d'Infraestructures

Dutch Cancer Society

Donatie Cellnex Netherlands Oekraïne

Universities and Training Centers



Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives

– Universitat de Barcelona

ESADE becas alumnos


BGSE - Barcelona Graduate School of


Bristol University

Cardiff University

Universidad de Granada

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona

HRC International Academy Srl



Participation in events in 2022

Cellnex Corporation

Mobile World Congress (MWC) MWC is held in Barcelona and Cellnex has taken part since its inception. In 2022, the Company's stand featured open spaces while showing a complete vision of its activity in the various market segments and territories. Cellnex’s new ‘AugmentedTowerCo’ model, or the latest solutions in sustainable connectivity are some examples of what Cellnex was able to present.

TowerXchange Cellnex, together with other key players in the tower industry, had the opportunity to discuss market opportunities, the changing dynamics of the infrastructure landscape and the communication of Cellnex's strategic vision at the 'ToweXChange Meetup Europe' event 2022' held in London.

VivaTech Event dedicated to startups and technology, which in 2022 took place in Paris, France. The event showcased the latest innovations in topics related to technology for the environment, technology for society, technology for monitoring and the future of work. All these initiatives were presented by leading corporations and hundreds of innovative startups.

Cellnex Austria

Business Breakfast Cellnex Austria is a new member of the Spanish-Austrian Business Club CEHAUS, whose objectives include the establishment of a platform for dialogue and cooperation and the promotion of economic projects. Cellnex Ausria was invited to the Business Breakfast by the Spanish Ambassador to Austria, Cristina Fraile, to present her future plans to the Austrian-Spanish business community.

Cellnex Denmark

Digital Tech Summit In November 2022, Cellnex Denmark had their first trade show participation as exhibitors at DTS22 in the Bella Center, Copenhagen. The main objective was to discuss and share the “what, when, how and why” of the digital technologies and transformations. The event was characterized by many good dialogues with other exhibitors, experts, visitors and students.

Cellnex France

M.G.A Technologies and Cellnex France event On October 13, M.G.A Technologies and Cellnex France welcomed their industrial partners. The opportunity to exchange and present 6 5G use cases. It was also an opportunity to share Cellnex's vision for the future of the industry.

AGURRE Cellnex France was present on November 16 at the AGURRE annual conference. At the event, Cellnex France was able to present its solutions and use cases deployed in more than 40 projects in Europe, as well as the first laboratory developed with M.G.A Technologies.

KMPG 2022 conference Cellnex France participated in the KPMG 2022 conference with the representation of its CEO, Vincent Cuvillier. This conference was a great opportunity to share Cellnex's experience on the opportunities offered by the development of 5G.

Cellnex Ireland

EU-IoT On 21 June, 2022 Paul Delaney, Cellnex Sales Director took part in a panel discussion at EU IoT week in Dublin where he discussed the evolution of IoT and what the future roadmap of research and innovation looks like.

Connectivity Day Cellnex Ireland celebrated the inaugural Connectivity Day at the K-Club with the theme "Building Smart Communities". At the event, stakeholders from the public and private sectors came together to discuss the key issues affecting the industry, both current challenges and future opportunities.

Cellnex Italy

Infralogical Investor Forum Gianluca Landolina, CEO of Cellnex Italy, participated in the Infralogic Investors Forum where he spoke about the key success factors for the future of Italian telecommunications and digital infrastructures. Innovation, growth, business diversification and sustainability were the major topics covered in his speech.

Rome Innovation Hub Cellnex Italy participated in the Rome Innovation Hub in September and presented its innovative and sustainable solutions for the green conversion of the economy, sustainability and digitization.

Global Summit Logistics & Manufacturing 2022 Cellnex Italy was present on November 16 and 17 at the 9th Global Summit Logistics & Manufacturing. There Cellnex Italy had the opportunity to present its solutions and innovations in terms of connectivity and sustainability in terms of logistics.

Cellnex Netherlands

Zorg&ICT Cellnex Netherlands and IPConnected B.V. were present at the Zorg&ICT fair. During the fair we explained more about our joint Private Network as a Service solution. The private LTE network benefits were showed and the added value of a new private network was also deepened in addition to existing wireless networks  such as WiFi and public mobile networks..

Telecom Insights 2022 At the Duch Telecom Event, the topic "Connectivity as the most important prerequisite for digitization and innovation" was discussed. Ed Boerema, Country Manager Director, participated in these Telecom Insights on Wednesday May 25 and discussed the central role of connectivity in the digitization of our society.

ICT & Health Opening Event On May 9, 2022, Cellnex Netherlands was present at the ICT & Health Opening Event. Joe Geesken from Siza and Hugo Brandhorst from Cellnex explained the approach taken to make 'Het Dorp' an accessible and inclusive neighbourhood where people with and without disabilities live together in a friendly, sustainable and green environment; and how good connectivity contributes to this.

Cellnex United Kingdom

Accelerate Rail David Crawford, Cellnex UK Managing Director, participated in a panel at Accelerate: Rail discussing strategies for recovery, stability and prosperity in the UK rail industry. A fantastic opportunity to talk about the importance of connectivity and innovation in the sector.

Tech UK Catherine Gull, Head of Private Network Sales at Cellnex UK, joined the techUK podcast to talk about how we can accelerate the deployment of private networks from beyond the tested phase and drive adoption across industry and the public sector.

Webinar Exploring the world of 5G private wireless networks: On May 19, 2022, Martin Green, Head of Business Development at Cellnex UK, Catherine Gull, Head of Sales at Cellnex UK and Simon Parry, CTO at Nokia Enterprise UK discussed why adoption is growing, detailed key use cases and discovered the commercial benefits.

Cellnex Portugal

Cellnex Morning Sessions Cellnex Portugal held the first edition of the Cellnex Morning Sessions in 2022 to discuss key trends in the real estate sector. The session included Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, former Secretary of State for Tourism and partner of Gama Glória, José Cardoso Botelho, CEO of Vanguard Properties, and Nuno Carvalhosa, General Director of Cellnex Portugal, as keynote speakers and brought together business partners and employees of all Cellnex areas. This was followed by a round table presented by João Cardosa, Head of Marketing and Commercial at Cellnex Portugal, dedicated to the topic 'Infrastructures that support indoor connectivity as a competitive advantage'.

APDC Annual Digital Business Congress In 2022 and for the first time, the APDC Annual Digital Business Congress held a panel dedicated to telecommunications infrastructures reflecting on the state of the art of the sector in Portugal. The Managing Director of Cellnex Portugal, Nuno Carvalhosa, together with Paolo Favaro, Managing Director of Vantage Towers Portugal, participated in the round table, moderated by João Adelino Faria. On that occasion, Nuno Carvalhosa had the opportunity to explain the pro-competitive benefits of Cellnex's wholesale, neutral and independent industrial positioning.

Business and Technological Week Cellnex Portugal closed its first participation in SET - Business and Technological Week with a golden key: the CFO & Director of Shared Services of Cellnex Portugal, João Osório Mora, former student of the Instituto Superior Técnico , spoke about the role of engineering in promoting the technological evolution of the business sector.

Cellnex Poland

TIME Economic Forum From March 7 to 8, 2022, Cellnex Poland  participated in the TIME Economic Forum, of which they are also a partner. That year it was held under the motto "Challenges of the green digital transformation".

European Economic Congress Cellnex was a partner and participated in the European Economic Congress, one of the largest congress events in Central Europe, which took place in Katowice. During three days, discussions, presentations, meetings and

exchange of experiences were established in an extraordinary group of experts, professionals and decision makers. In addition, Cellnex received the honourable title of "Investor without Borders" in the contest of the WNP.PL portal and Nowy Przemysł magazine.

"Smart Energy" Conference Cellnex Poland participated in the conference organized by Smart Grids Polska Poland under the motto #ENERGETYKA3D – Digitization, Decentralization, Decarbonization. Cellnex Poland explained the company's expertise in managing telecommunication towers in Europe, often used to provide connectivity in the energy sector. This allows you to efficiently use existing locations instead of building new towers.

Cellnex Sweden

How Private Networks enable Industry 4.0 On Wednesday, October 26, Cellnex Sweden welcomed customers, partners and industry experts to an event dedicated to the topic of private networks. The main focus was why private networks will play a key role in enabling the next industrial revolution.

KTH research on the future of sustainable transport Cellnex Sweden participated in a demonstration by Integrated Transport Research Lab at Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, as one of the activities in connection with the Spanish state visit to Sweden.

Cellnex Switzerland

Swiss Telecommunications Summit 2022 The Swiss Telecommunication Summit took place on June 21, 2022 under the motto "Future of Communication". The event offered interesting presentations, exciting panel discussions and valuable networking opportunities. The way people communicate and transmit data and knowledge is constantly changing and technical innovations play a central role in this. Internet, smartphones and comprehensive networking have enormously accelerated and multiplied the possibilities of communication. Not just between people, but increasingly also between things. The Swiss Telecommunication Summit 2022 took a look into the crystal ball of what the future of communication might look like.

Cellnex Spain


In 2022, the eighth edition of the 4K HDR Summit was held, where the latest developments in technology were announced and the future of audiovisuals and the metaverse were discussed.

III National Telecommunications Congress - Connected, Digital and Sustainable Building

It is a meeting point, which allows to know, expand and develop new technological solutions, connectivity, IoT, 5G, telemedicine, tele-education, teleworking, smart cities, etc.

XXXIII ACUTEL Technology congress

The congress is dedicated to the latest developments in telecommunications and the audiovisual sector and Cellnex participated with a stand.

Awards and recognitions in 2022

Award for good practices in financial information

Cellnex received the award for good practices in financial information, an award given annually by the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID), an entity founded by the College of Economists of Catalonia and the College of Chartered Accountants of Catalonia. The Award, delivered within the framework of the XIX Edition of the ACCID Awards, recognizes the quality and transparency of the company's annual report. Specifically, it values information on the situation and risk management, intangible assets –including intellectual capital–, the environment and the social dimension, among others.

Fund Investment: Best Value of the elEconomista.es Portfolio

Cellnex won the elEconomista Portfolio award at the eighth edition of the Fund Investment Awards. This active management tool that was born at the beginning of 2021 had its best strategy in Cellnex, from which it obtained a return of 24%.

Your Economy Awards

The Tu Economía Awards honoured the professional career of the CEO of Cellnex, Tobías Martínez, for his effort and talent in contributing day by day to creating wealth and modernizing the Spanish economy, making it more competitive and resilient.

Engineer of the year

Albert Cuatrecasas, CEO of Cellnex Spain, was awarded Engineer of the Year by the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers (COIT) and the Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers (AEIT). Albert Cuatrecasas has developed his career at Cellnex for 22 years, but his previous experiences have also forged his character and professionalism. Albert highlighted all these experiences in the thank-you speech he gave at the Award ceremony, which was attended by nearly 200 people, including authorities, leaders and representatives of the entire secto.

Investor without Borders

Cellnex Poland won the award of "Investor without Borders" in the XIV European Economic Congress. The aim of the competition is to promote exemplary, transparent, based on trust, partnership and responsibility relationships between the investor, administration and the market, capable of yielding economic benefits and successfully implementing investment strategies.

Scale Up award

Cellnex was announced the winner of the ‘Scale up’ category at the Energy Industry Council (EIC) awards. The Scale up award recognises Cellnex’s work ‘to increase a business’ production, size or capacity in a marked and rapid way, above normal growth rates’. Cellnex’s private network solutions can help to significantly enhance operations within the energy industries; driving increased efficiency, productivity and growth.



1 Please note that in 2022 there have been several extraordinary Board of Directors' meetings to address M&A transactions"

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